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Q: Who was the only president who was a sheriff?
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Related questions

Was Calvin Coolidge a sheriff before president?

no. Grover Cleveland was sheiff of Buffalo. I think he was the only sheriff to become President. Coolidge was mayor of Northampton, Mass.

Who was the only president who was a sheriff who personally hanged a crook?

Grover Cleveland

If you are registered to vote republican can you vote for a democratic sheriff?

If I voted for a republican sheriff can I still vote demacrat president

What do you call the main sheriff?

Sheriff--------------Additional: (in the US) the Office of Sheriff is established in the state constitution and there is only one Sheriff per jurisdiction (usually a county, altho some large cities also have a Sheriff). There is only one Sheriff, and his correct title is SHERIFF. All other employees of the Sheriff's Department, regardless of their rank or title, is a DEPUTY Sheriff.

Why is president Grover Cleveland important in history?

Grover Cleveland is an important American because he was a President of the United States, and the only President to be elected to two non-consecutive terms

Who was the Sheriff of Erie County NY before becoming President?

Andrew Jackson

Who was the only president to have personally hanged?

Grover Cleveland was the sheriff of Erie County, NY, before he was President, and hangman was one his duties. He actually fulfilled this duty on two occasions.

Which president was a former hangman?

President Grover Cleveland actually hung two men while serving as sheriff of Erie County

What is the meaning of the sheriff's 4 collar stars?

The sheriff is the highest and most powerful official in his/her judistrcition. He has military and police powers in his county. He can summon the Posse Comitatus. The sheriff is equivalent to the General Of The Army that is why he has 4 stars. The supreme court stated that The "supremacy clause" is dealt with in Mack/Printz, in which the U.S. Supreme Courtstated once and for all, that the only thing "supreme" is the Constitution itself. Where by the powers, the Sheriff reigns supreme above the president.

Where is the car sheriff from the movie car?

The sheriff is a 1949 Mercury Eight Police Car. As it was only an animated car it is not real and it located only in the movie.

Does Sheriff Joe Arpaio have proof to his claims President Obama is a Kenyan and faked all his documents?


IS Jimmy Capps a Sheriff?

No he is not a Sheriff, that is only a tittle on Larry's Country Diner.