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St. John Brebeuf came from France to convert Native Americans to Christianity. He came with other Jesuits & they were subsequently Martyred in the New World.

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Q: Who were the people that came to the Americas to convert native people to Christianity?
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Who were people who came to the Americas to convert native peoples to Christianity?

i don't frucken know that's the question im trying to frucken figure out?

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They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

How were the dutch different in the way they were treated?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

How were the dutch different in the they treated their colonies?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

Who were the people who came to the Americas to convert native people to Christianity?

who knows? religion is so muffled in its history. Mormons say that christ did it himself, modern day christains say they did it, etc.... so whom ever you want to belive is who did it. but remember this true native amercians still belive or try to belive their old ways as best as they can. so the correct answer is nobody.....

How were the Dutch different in a way they treated their colonies?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

How were the Dutch different in the way they treated the colonies?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

How were the Dutch different in the ways they treated their colonies?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.

How were dutch different in the way the treated their colonies?

They had no desire to convert the locals to Christianity and they did not want to change the native culture. =============================== They did not settle a lot of their people there.