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they wanted native americans to live on reservations because the soldiers wanted them to assimilate to american life

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Government officials wanted Native Americans to live on reservations because at the time reservations were made the land that make up reservations had no value with concern to Natural Resources. During gold rushes the tribes that inhabited lands containing gold where massacred for ease of access to the natural resource, never getting a chance because genocide ends everything. Most living tribes did not live where near where their present day reservation resides. This is in part because when they fled their original territories to evade being murdered and when their attackers caught up with them, through months of famine, the American Indian humans were to tired to defend themselves and were forced into prisoner of war camps and these camps are often near where their present day reservation is. This not always being the case because there were over 800 living tribes, all separate from one another and are said to have lived peacefully with one another, and as surviving tribes were concentrated into camps there was a tactic to move some of these concentration camps into one unwanted territory and that territory is known today as Oklahoma. Most all of the tribes from Oklahoma did not originate from that area although they may have traveled through there at some point before the area being called Oklahoma. This act was known as the Trail of Tears and many Indigenous of the America’s died as a result of. In the state of things the attackers wanted to place concentrations of Native Americans on a piece of land that had no value what so ever so that they could begin helping themselves to the lands natural resources as if they were theirs.

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Q: Why did government officials want Native Americans to live on reservations?
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The US forced Native Americans to live on reservations.