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Q: Why did the Mexican soldiers call on Saint Jerome while Geronimo was killing them?
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Why did the Mexican soldiers call on St. Jerome while Geronimo was killing them?

Geronimo is the Spanish term for Jerome.

What is jerome bruner contribution to mathematics?

Jerome Bruner was a constructivist. He believed active learning builds mental structures. In other words, the learner has to be actively involved in their own learning process. The instructional approach to teaching mathematics called the CPA approach is based on work Bruner did in the 1960's. The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach reaches out to a variety of learners. The Concrete element refers to objects such as base ten blocks, fraction tiles, markers, or other objects that can be physically manipulated. The Pictorial element refers to drawings, diagrams, charts, or other drawings completed and interpreted by the student. The Abstract element refers the symbolic representations such as numbers or letters the student uses to show their understanding.

Who was James J hill?

James Jerome Hill (September 1838 to May 1916) was the chief executive officer of the Great Northern Railway. He became known as "The Empire Builder" due to the size of his railways stretching between the Upper Northwest, Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest.

Where does the saying digs come from as in im staying in digs tonight?

It's short for diggings, which is the older word for the same idea. That derives - as you might guess - from a place where one digs, a word that goes back to the sixteenth century. Many books argue that the original diggings linked to the accommodation sense were the gold fields of California and Australia. We do know that the Australian nickname digger comes from this area of life and so it's sometimes assumed that the word is likewise Australian, though all the early evidence is American and the term predates both these gold rushes anyway. But there is a gold fields connection.It's often said that the word comes from the idea of a person who "digs in", who makes a bolthole or burrow in which to live. No doubt there's something like that involved in creating the sense, because the first prospectors in an unpopulated area had to make shift as best they could and sod huts or the like would have been an obvious way to quickly build a shelter. However, it's possible to trace a chain of shifts in meaning that links the mine workings sense of diggings with the accommodation one. The first was that diggings transferred to the whole locality, which it did in the 1830s. The first writer to use the word in this sense was William Gilmore Simms, who included it in a book of 1834 called Guy Rivers about the gold rush of the 1820s in the wilds of what was then frontier north Georgia. The word soon moved from the locality to the towns that mushroomed up to service the mines and provide accommodation for the miners, and then to the accommodation itself. The first instance of diggings for lodgings is in a humorous book by Joseph Clay Neal of 1838 with the title Charcoal Sketches: "Look here, Ned, I reckon it's about time we should go to our diggings; I am dead beat."The Oxford English Dictionary quotes an example from Charles Dickens's book Martin Chuzzlewit of 1844, which might suggest it was widely known in Britain at this time. But it appears during an encounter on a railway journey in the American part of the story, among other vocabulary that Dickens presumably picked up during his US trip of 1842, and to me the speaker means "place", not "lodgings". However, by the latter part of the century, diggings is most certainly in wide use in Britain - to take just one example, it's in Jerome K Jerome's Three Men in a Boat of 1889: "We were tired and hungry, we same three, and when we got to Datchet we took out the hamper, the two bags, and the rugs and coats, and such like things, and started off to look for diggings."The abbreviation digs came along at about that time; most definitely that's a British invention. Because it turns up first in an issue of The Stage in 1893, it is thought to have been created by actors (who, frequently being itinerant, had more need of them than most people), though later examples suggest that if it was originally theatrical slang it quickly moved out into the population at large.

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Why did the Mexican soldiers call on St. Jerome while Geronimo was killing them?

Geronimo is the Spanish term for Jerome.

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What does the name Geronimo mean?

Geronimo is the Spanish form of the Christian name Jerome.

Did Geronimo have a last name?

No. Geronimo was actually born under the name Goyathlay, meaning "he who yawns." Because the Spanish prayed to St. Jerome, Goyathlay became known as Geronimo (cf. the Spanish name for Jerome, Jerónimo). Seeing as Geronimo is really a nickname, it is clear that he has no last name; as such, he is just called "Geronimo."

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The feast of Saint Jerome Emiliani (Saint Geronimo) is on February 8.

How do you say Jermaine in spanish?

Jermino (Hermino). and for Jerome its Geronimo.

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Category: 19th Century Names Answer: He got his name because Mexican victims of his attacks would cry out in terror to St. Jerome. Question: Who is Geronimo?

How did Native American Geronimo get his nickname?

Geronimo is actually a Spanish name.Goyahkla (Geronimo's original name) and his people had arrived in the town to trade, the women and children were left in a wash(Safe place) to wait for them while they did their business. A mob from another area arrived and murdered most of them. When Goyahkla came out of town to where they were and saw what had happened, he and his people retreated out of Mexico. He was so grief strucken that he wanted to die, which was against his people's beliefs. He returned to Mexico and killed every man in sight wanting to die a warrior's death.A young Spanish officer had arrived from Spain into one of the area's Goyahkla was killing in. The officer witnessed Goyahkla, and said that he reminded him of a character named Geronimo from a popular play in Spain. The character's wife and kids had been murdered and he went out for vengeance hoping to die, but was extremely brave.That is straight from Geronimo's 100 year old nephew. Every thing else is either a right out lie or somehow divergent from this.(A link supporting this was removed from the answer. Please see the discussion page for more.)Another viewVarious sources say Geronimo is from the name of St. Jerome, called by Mexicans soldiers Geronimo was attacking.There is a link below.

What was 'Geronimo' famous for?

Geronimo is widely known for his leadership in the Apache resistance against the United States and their prescribed reservation life for the Apache people. Born Goyahkla ("one who yawns"), the name Geronimo was given to him by fearful Mexican soldiers praying to St. Jerome (Jeronimo). Goyahkla's fellow warriors heard the Mexicans crying "Cuidado! Jeronimo!" and it stuck with the young warrior. Geronimo became a leading figure in the Apache wars after his escape from the San Carlos reservation. Between the years of 1876 and 1886, the Apache warrior would revisit and again flee the reservation on several occasions. Geronimo's final surrender to General Nelson Miles in 1886 marked the end of the Apache wars. At the time of his surrender, Geronimo's band consisted of 17 warriors and a handful of women and children. In his last attempt at finding freedom, he and his small band had, for nearly a year, successfully evaded the largest Army force ever sent after a renegade Indian: roughly 5,000 American troops (about a quarter of the Army). Also in pursuit were thousands of Mexican soldiers, Mexican citizens and American citizens. Geronimo died a prisoner of war in 1909 on the Fort Sill reservation in Oklahoma.

Is Geronimo or Jeronimo a biblical name?

No, it comes (via Romance languages such as Spanish and Italian) from Greek Hieronymos, which means "having a sacred name". Of course, there is a St. Jerome, and some Jewish people are named Jerome, but that doesn't necessarily make the name biblical.

What does the word jerome mean?

It's a boys' name, named after St. Jerome, a very contentious Catholic theologian who died in the year 420. His real name was the Greek name Hieronymous, which means sacred ("hiero") name ("nymous"). It is the same name as Geronimo, what people yell when jumping out of airplanes.