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i dont know i love 1d <3

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Q: Why did the settlers on the flatboats have their belongings with them?
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Related questions

Why were keelboats and flatboats important to the early settlers?

because of you

What was the benifet of steamboats when compared to flatboats?

steam boats were more important and reliable then flatboats

Who invented flatboats?

Matw Rynczack

How did settlers cross the Mississippi river?

It was the Interstate Highway system of its day.

What does prairie schooner mean?

It refers to the heavy, durable wagons that early settlers used to transport their families and belongings.

What were a flatboat's advantages?

Flatboats can float downstream in shallow water

Why were steamboats an improvement over flatboats?

They were faster and lasted longer.

What great rafts were used to float farm goods to markets?


What has the author Mildred Houghton Comfort written?

Mildred Houghton Comfort has written: 'Flatboats and wagon wheels' -- subject(s): Readers, West (U.S.), Wagons, Juvenile fiction, Western stories, Dwellings, Flatboats

What are the disadvantages of the flatboat?

Flatboats can't go up stream &amp; are very expensive

Which of the following means of transportation dominated beofre the 1820s and 1830s?

Flatboats ch.9

How was the clermont steamboat significant?

it moved goods up and down the Mississippi river faster the the flatboats could!