Because the native Americans were here first. They have influenced life here in America and have contributed to many traditions and foods that we love today. LIKE POPCORN!!!
Canada and the United Kingdom also celebrate Black History Month.
Proclaimed by congress as Irish American heritage month in 1995
Help them with what? Native Americans get paid by the feds for doing no work at all as compensation for what settlers did to them during colonization. They get free higher education, a stipend which is I think 2,000 USD a month. There are some natives who actually make a million a year from the state and feds.
Yes, many countries in other continents also celebrate Mother's Day. It's like a worldwide holiday just like Christmas and New Year. It also goes the same for Father's Day. But of course there are some that doesn't.
National Poetry MonthNational Poetry Month is held each April to celebrate poetry and its important place in American culture. People celebrate it in because they believe poetry is an important aspect of our society.
The National Statistics Month in the Philippines is every October.
Type your answer here... June is National Safety month
None. It is like asking when does the United States celebrate the "American heritage month"
Yes & it's in November.
November: President George H.W. Bush signed a bill in 1990 that designated November as "Native American Heritage Month." (Native peoples used to be called "Indians," but these days, the term "Native Americans" is generally preferred.)
Why do Americans celebrate the 4th of July? Mexico was colonized by the Spanish in the 1500's, so much so that the national language is Spanish, so it only makes sense that Mexicans celebrate an Hispanic month, as they are Hispanic.
we celebrate African-American history month because it is a way to inform the younger generations of what happened in the past, as to not ever repeat itself. there have been so many great African Americans, and to not celebrate for what they did and how hard their people had to fight in the past would be wrong.
There are no national holidays in the United States that are specifically designated in the month of March.