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The significance behind a business minded publication stressing the failure is that Hoover was following the typical "Republican" approach; that is, hands off. Business generally likes this kind of practice. However, the depression had reached the point where even the businesses were less worried about profit and more worried about fixing the economy. The publication reflected this desire.

Sources: A fellow AP honors US history student. And a little bit of guesswork

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Q: Why is it especially significant that a business-minded publication like Fortune would in the autumn of 1932 stress the magnitude of the crisis and the failure of the response?
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The biggest obstacle to effective congressional oversight is?

The biggest obstacle to effective oversight is the sheer magnitude of the task. From: THE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY Author: Thomas E. Patterson Chapter 11 - p331

True or false both the union and confederate states were prepared for war?

False neither side was prepared to fight a war of this magnitude. Both sides had to draft hundred's of thousands of Men to fight the war. Medical supplies were in short supply along with trained medical teams. Many units had to fight with outdated weaponry like smooth bore cannons and flintlock muskets. Tactics hadn't evolved along with the new weaponry. The same tactics were being used in the Napoleonic wars. So no the north and south were not prepared for a war.

What was the Most important world event in 2006?

There are several historical events that happened in 2006. These include the magnitude 6.9 earthquake on January 8th, with epicenter just off the Greek island and was felt throughout the entire eastern Mediterranean Sea. On March 11th, Michelle Bachelet is inaugurated as the first female president of Chile.

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What is an example of hyper-pluralism?

Hyper pluralism is seen in many events that take place throughout the United States. One example of hyper pluralism is the stance of gay marriages. The government is overwhelmed by the magnitude of citizens, special interest groups, and others that feel very strongly on both sides of this issue.

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