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the plan was the first step toward uniting the colonies

a purpose of the Union was to organize and act together for common defense

the famous 'join or die' political cartoon spawns from this

fails to come together, but it was an attempt at uniting to stop native americans

colonies rejected it because they thought it was too restricting, and england didn't want to give them that much power anyways

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

it was a plan written by bejamin Franklin in 1754 for all 13 colonies to unite and fight as one power to win the french and Indian war

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βˆ™ 14y ago

None really it failed because the people weren't ready for uniting yet. They liked all the hard work and wining they did. They didn't want to uniting until they claimed independence.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It was a plan written by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 for all 13 colonies to unite and fight as one power to win the French and Indian War.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it was a plan written by bejamin Franklin in 1754 for all 13 colonies to unite and fight as one power to win the french and Indian war.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it was important to discuss the Albany plan of union when it faild cause the benjamin franklin wanted a day for dogs. but could not make his plan across. so they formed a riot.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It created a more centralized government.

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Q: Why is the Albany plan of union important in the American history?
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Why was the Albany plan of union important in history?

Because it was the first formal proposal to unite the colonies.

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What plan called for one general government for all American colonies?

let me guess... eighth gd, ch. 4 test colonial growth.... An American History book. yeah, its no fun. ^ lol exactly its the Albany plan of union dont be a wise guy and answer the dam question... Albany Plan of Union :) Ch.4 Sec.3 France & British Clash Studysheet the answer is: Albany Plan Of Union ;) your welcome AJ <3

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What plan called for one general government for all the American colonies?

let me guess... eighth gd, ch. 4 test colonial growth.... An American History book. yeah, its no fun. ^ lol exactly its the Albany plan of union dont be a wise guy and answer the dam question... Albany Plan of Union :) Ch.4 Sec.3 France & British Clash Studysheet the answer is: Albany Plan Of Union ;) your welcome AJ <3

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It was a plan of Benjamin Franklin to unite the American colonies in 1754.

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