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he is famous because he discovered gold.

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Q: Why was James W Marshall famous?
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Did James w marshall have kids?

James W. Marshall did not have kids because he was never married.

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James W. Marshall House was created in 1816.

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How did James W Marshall?

he was a great sucess

When did James w marshall become a carpenter?

In 1845

What was James W Marshall's first job?

a farmer.

What are famous entrepreneurs of the California gold rush?

John Sutter, James W. Marshall and Samuel Brannan

What do you include in a report on James W Marshall?

Whatever you can find about him.

Who started the gold rush in Ca?

James W. Marshall

When did James W Marshall die?

August 10th 1885

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James W. Marshall

Who discovered gold in California 1848?

James W. Marshall