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There were more white people at the time so the majority of people (white people) were considered superior.

Actually, it had to do with slavery. People who consider everyone equal all hate most slavery. Indentured servitude is a bit different in that it starts as voluntary and involves people of all races. So those who wanted to buy or sell slaves had to promote them as inferior to overcome public resistance to the idea. So they had to sell the idea that some people were human-like animals. (Biologically, all humans are animals, but that didn't stop Propaganda from saying otherwise.)

After slavery, African-Americans tended to act in ways that were consistent with what whites believed. However, it wasn't an inherent thing. If you imprison a whole group of people for many years, barely feed or clothe them, deprive them of education, don't teach them any skills for dealing with the outside world, then how do you think they will act? Then predictably, the racists will hate people for becoming what they caused. That in turn causes further rebellious behavior and separation. If you behave more like whites expected, then about two things could happen. Either the haters will hate them even more for turning them into liars, or others in the same plight who either refuse to change or cannot change will hate them too. So those who try to break out of the mold of being hated by whites risked being hated by everyone.

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13y ago

During the times of extreme overt discrimination, it was due to many having views that blacks weren't really humans, or that being of a darker skin color must have made them inferior in every way. With that, many felt justified in being discriminatory against them.

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14y ago

People are prejudice against black people because they are classed as different or not like them meaning they do not like them.

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9y ago

blacks were taken as slaves in Africa on bases of guns. They were thought to be similar to apes due to their skin colors.

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