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Answer 1
The French were shocked because they thought that John Adams was a cold and distant person and they didn't think he would want to reach out to the French.

Answer 2
One of the main differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans in the early days of American Independence was whether the United States should be more closely aligned with Great Britain or with France. Most Federalists wanted stronger relations with Britain and saw that a skirmish with France would make more people anti-French. Additionally, they saw the peace talks as an act of capitulation to French interests.

The bottom line was that the Federalists were expecting Adams (another Federalist) to allow the skirmish to escalate or to a least simmer for a bit.

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Q: Why were the Federalists shocked by Adams's decision to resume peace talks with the French?
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What caused the split between Adams and high federalists?

The Quasi-War with France was the beginning of the end to Adams's association with the High Federalists. Adams went over his Federalist cabinet by announcing a peace mission with France. Alexander Hamilton began to lose favor over the success of this mission. His supporters in the cabinet were fired. This spit the party between Adams supporters and Hamilton supporters.

In the 1790s why did the revolutionary political leaders become divided over the course of the new nation?

The United States became divided in the 1790s as a result of public conflict. The main conflict was on the understanding of the American revolution and this happened during John Adams' term as the president.

Who supported the french revolution?

The French revolution drew divided feelings around the world. In Europe, absolute monarchs began to sense their vulnerability and felt obligated to make an example of the new government to discourage their subjects from taking the same route. In the United States, the feelings were split, Federalists like Alexander Hamilton were appalled at the Revolution, and wanted to distance themselves from France. The Democratic Republicans, like Thomas Jefferson, however, were inspired by the Revolution and wanted to show their support.

Who is the French Ambassador?

The French ambassador is the representative of the French government in another country.

Why were slaves in Haiti treated worse than in America?

The French slave owners in Haiti had made a business decision that it was cheaper to treat slaves badly and then replace them with new slaves after they were worked to death, whereas American slave owners generally found it more profitable to keep their slaves in relatively good condition and thereby get more work out of them.

Related questions

Why were Federalists shocked by Adams first goal as president?

The Federalists were shocked by Adams' first goal as president because he sought to improve relations with France and avoid a war, which went against the prevailing anti-French sentiment among Federalists. They believed that France posed a threat to American interests and that a strong stance against the French was necessary. Adams' pursuit of diplomacy with France was viewed as a betrayal of their principles and caused discontent among many Federalists.

Why were federalists shocked by Adams decision to resume peace talk with the french?

Answer 1The French were shocked because they thought that John Adams was a cold and distant person and they didn't think he would want to reach out to the French.Answer 2One of the main differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans in the early days of American Independence was whether the United States should be more closely aligned with Great Britain or with France. Most Federalists wanted stronger relations with Britain and saw that a skirmish with France would make more people anti-French. Additionally, they saw the peace talks as an act of capitulation to French interests.The bottom line was that the Federalists were expecting Adams (another Federalist) to allow the skirmish to escalate or to a least simmer for a bit.

Why were the federalist shocked by Adams decision to resume peace with the french?

Answer 1The French were shocked because they thought that John Adams was a cold and distant person and they didn't think he would want to reach out to the French.Answer 2One of the main differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans in the early days of American Independence was whether the United States should be more closely aligned with Great Britain or with France. Most Federalists wanted stronger relations with Britain and saw that a skirmish with France would make more people anti-French. Additionally, they saw the peace talks as an act of capitulation to French interests.The bottom line was that the Federalists were expecting Adams (another Federalist) to allow the skirmish to escalate or to a least simmer for a bit.

Why were federalist shocked by Adams decision to resume peace talks with french?

Answer 1The French were shocked because they thought that John Adams was a cold and distant person and they didn't think he would want to reach out to the French.Answer 2One of the main differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans in the early days of American Independence was whether the United States should be more closely aligned with Great Britain or with France. Most Federalists wanted stronger relations with Britain and saw that a skirmish with France would make more people anti-French. Additionally, they saw the peace talks as an act of capitulation to French interests.The bottom line was that the Federalists were expecting Adams (another Federalist) to allow the skirmish to escalate or to a least simmer for a bit.

How did the french respond to the threats of Revolution?

they were shocked

How did the Spanish react to the French being in Florida?

they were surprised and shocked maybe

Did the Federalists support or oppose the French Revolution?

No they didn't

Why did the Federalist disapprove of the french Revolution?

The Anti Federalists were very enthusiastic about the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson supported the Revolutions Republican ideals. The Anti Federalists were known for their support of France versus the Federalist's support of Great Britain. Although the Anti Federalists were for the Revolution, they agreed with the Federalists to remain neutral in the Revolutionary War between Great Britain, Spain, France and other European powers.

What has the author Simon French written?

Simon French has written: 'Decision behaviour, analysis and support' 'Decision theory' -- subject(s): Decision making

Is Decision masculine or feminine?

In French, "decision" is feminine and the article used with it is "la".

How do you say surprise in French?

The correct way to say "shocked" in French is choqué.

What were Federalists were alarmed by?

Federalists did not fear the government. Anit-federalists did. During the late 1700s the Articles of Confederation was being rethought as the constitution of America. When the Constitution was proposed, Anti-federalists believed it was too powerful nationally and could become a monarchy or dictatorship. They also thought it took individual power away from the states.