Evolution Theory, Force Theory, Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory
Besides discovering the photoelectric effect, Einstein developed the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity, which are the basis for quantum theory and particle theory, and the formula E=Mc2 that indirectly led to the atomic bomb, nuclear power, and much of the current theory about the structure of the universe. Other than that, not much.
The divine right theory
Macaulay wanted to westernize Indian education through the minor intellectuals of India. This was known as the"Downwards Filtration Theory"
Arnold W. Miller has written: 'Descriptive set theory and forcing' -- subject(s): Set theory, Forcing (Model theory), Borel sets
Arnold Levine has written: 'Theory of probability' -- subject(s): Probabilities
ok :) first challenge of natural environment theory is .. a HMMMP / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DI KO ALAM EH
somatic theory is a response that is shown physically.
Richard Arnold Cording has written: 'Sartre's theory of freedom' -- subject(s): Existentialism
Stimulus-response bond theory proposes that learning occurs through the formation of associations between a stimulus and a response. This theory suggests that repeated pairings of a stimulus with a specific response result in the formation of a strong bond between the two, leading to the learned behavior. It is based on the principles of classical and operant conditioning.
who am i
The answer is three amps!
Beuly Suhr was one of the first people to challenge her theory because she's a badass and she can eat bananas while doing a hand stand
The theory that proposed this idea is called the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion. According to this theory, emotions and physiological responses occur simultaneously but independently, with emotions resulting from the brain's interpretation of the physiological response.