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troops conquered the Celts of the British Isles and added Britannia to their empire. the angles, Saxons, and Jutes overran the islands and named it angleland which was later changed to England. were ruled by the Danish Vikings and the French Normans.

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Q: Briefly describe the extent and influence of the british empire?
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Was Mexico part of the British Empire?

No. It was part of the Spanish Empire (1521-1821) and briefly became a puppet state under the French Empire during the Second Franco-Mexican War (1862-1867).

Why did the British spread the British empire?

To gain power and a larger influence over the world. Without the British Empire, we wouldn't have most of the technology, medicines, Etc. That we have today, most of the money went into the army and scientific research.

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The British Empire's global spread led to the expansion of the English language as it was used as a common language in colonies and trade. This resulted in the adoption of new words and phrases from various languages, contributing to the richness and diversity of English vocabulary. Additionally, English became a dominant language in international communication and diplomacy due to the influence of the British Empire.

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Is Cuba part of the British Empire?

It wasn't really no. Britain did briefly occupy it during the seven years war, however but they agreed to swap it for Florida and gave it back to Spain.

Who divided the Persian empire into spheres of influence?

The Russians/Soviets made a sphere of influence in the northern third of Persia/Iran. The British made a sphere of influence in the southeastern quarter of Persia/Iran (along the border with modern Pakistan). The British also had strong influence in the southwest due to the proximity of the British Mandate of Iraq and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Khuzestan Province.

Critical Thinking Why do you think the British called India the Jewel of the British Empire?

The British called India the Jewel of the British Empire due to its abundant resources, strategic location, and immense wealth that it provided for the empire. India was a key source of revenue, and its economy played a crucial role in sustaining the empire's power and influence. Additionally, the exoticism and cultural richness of India appealed to the British imagination, leading them to view it as a prized possession.

How would you describe India in the 1800s?

In 18th century India's kings was in war with British empire British empire was established it's East India Company in India.1857 war with British was one of the major wars in Indian history. In this war the Indian was defeated due to lack of unity in different kings. And after that India was slave of British empire till 1947.

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The Roman Empire which straddled three continents. But the largest modern world empire would be the British Empire which contained lands in Europe Australia Asia Africa I think South America and in the 1700s, North America

What was the empire after the Persian Empire?

The Macedonian Greek Empire of Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and incorporated all of its lands.

What was the imperial time period?

The imperial time period generally refers to the period when an empire was in power. There have been many imperial time periods throughout history, such as the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire. Each empire had its own peak period of influence and power.