the aligarh movement was founded by sir syed ahmed khan. Sir syed wanted to see the muslims prosper and be united as well as to see an improvement in their social and ecomomic positions. This was the aim of the aligarh movement as well as to increase political awareness of the muslim community and also to improve the relations between muslims and the british.
Charles James (Jimmy) Melrose ,over the Bay of Bengal 1935 .
Yes, almost all explorers had some type of interactions with first nations, whether good or bad.
you can go onto google to find pictures of currency. currency from around the world consists of many colors and designs. i put a link below for you to see money from other countries.
because people believed that the world was flat and he wanted to see if that was trueAnswerThe above answer is incorrect. By the time of Francis Drake (1540-1596) Christiopher Columbus (1451-1506) had already "discovered" the Americas and Vasco da Gama (1469-1524) had sailed around the world. People already knew the world was not flat.Drake sailed in order to mount an expedition against the increasing power of Spain in the New Word. Part of this process naturally involved exploration in order to see what new territories could be gained for England. It had nothing to do with proving the Earth wasn't flat.
See the link below for images of Sir Edmund Hillary
can i see some pictures of him can i see some pictures of him
If you mean can cows see pictures, than yes.
where can you see microscopic Indian hair pictures
See the links for pictures.
what do you need to see pictures of?
If you see pictures, then your computer screen is turned on.
See the related link below for water polo pictures
You can find pictures of Isaac Newton by doing an internet search or by visiting websites like Wikipedia or the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.
Can I see pictures of you = Kann ich Bilder von dir sehen Can I see pictures of you = Kann ich mir Bilder von dir anschauen
There is really not a way to see older pictures on an iphone. You can try going to Google play and see if your old pictures are there.
Pictures of cars in a junkyard can be see different ways. Some junkyards have pictures on their websites, or perhaps if you go to the junkyard they will have pictures posted in the office.