The above answer is incorrect. By the time of Francis Drake (1540-1596) Christiopher Columbus (1451-1506) had already "discovered" the Americas and Vasco da Gama (1469-1524) had sailed around the world. People already knew the world was not flat.
Drake sailed in order to mount an expedition against the increasing power of Spain in the New Word. Part of this process naturally involved exploration in order to see what new territories could be gained for England. It had nothing to do with proving the Earth wasn't flat.
Sir Frances Drake commanded the first English expedition to circumnavigate the world.
Sir Francis Drake, was a rather flamboyant man in both style and personality. He, wore an emerald in his beard during his â??privateer daysâ?? and gained the moniker, â??Green Beard the Invincibleâ??. He was as at home at Elizabeth I's court has he was at sea, he was always dressed in the latest court attire.
Sir Francis Drake sailed along the west coast of the United States, landing in 1579 and spending time in what is now California.
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Humphrey Gilbert explored Newfoundland -Ashton
It was England.
He was in the game Uncharted.
because he did
Sir Frances Drake was an explorer who was knighted by the Queen of England because he brought her back so much treasure.
He wanted to be a explore.
Elizabeth I
when did Sir Frances Drake bring back tomatoes and potaoes
Sir Francis Drake, (which reminds me of Drake and Josh) found himself gold and death...
No, he wasn't. He was English.