Gold bullion, silver and pearls were sometimes carried by Spanish treasure ships. However, they sometimes carried more ordinary items such as tobacco and lumber.
they carried cargo spices and goods
Francis Drake
The largest treasure was found by Fransico Pizzaro, In his Spanish conquest of the Incas.
HERES SOME INFO Henry VII was the first king to build ships especially for war since the times of Alfred the Great. He also encouraged people to build merchant ships for trade. Henry VIII continued this. Ships were high and narrow and carried large numbers of guns. Some were carried on the upper decks whilst heavy guns were put between decks and were fired through holes cut in the sides of the ships. Here is some info about the owner of the ship Sir Francis Drake Drake sailed round the world between 1577 and 1580 in his ship the Golden Hind. It was 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. There was not much room for the seamen. They had to live, eat and sleep in small spaces which were hardly ever dry. They usually slept on bare boards and had very little apart from the clothes they wore. They lived off salt pork and beef, cheese, dried fish and biscuits. Without fresh fruit and vegetables the seamen used to catch scurvy. This made them tired and stopped them from working properly. Lots of them died unless they were put ashore to find fresh food. The Spanish had conquered much of central and South America by 1550. Their fleets carried back large amounts of gold and silver to Spain. English ships used to attack these treasure ships and steal their goods. Drake's ships captured a huge amount of gold and silver on their trip around the world. When he returned home in 1580 he was knighted. The Spanish gathered a fleet in Cadiz harbour in 1587, ready to invade England. Drake sailed into the harbour and destroyed over 20 of the Spanish warships. Drake called this the "singeing of the King of Spain's beard".
In the Jenkins' Ear, thirteen ships of volunteers were sent to help the Spanish test their defenses. Six of these ships returned home.
Ships were commonly raided during voyages. Pirates often raided Spanish ships for treasure and these ships were also raided and attacked by ships from other countries.
francis drake
The Spanish transported their stolen gold on treasure ships they sent back to Spain.
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake
sea dogs
He plundered many Spanish ships in south America and also, he brought hoards of riches of treasure form Spanish ships he had sunk,.
francis drake
Because he captured Spanish treasure ships.
There were many reasons such as religion, Elizabeth killing Mary his wife and Drake stealing treasure from Spanish ships
No, because the Spanish ships stole the gold.