The destruction of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the English under Francis Drake. The Spanish Armada and army badly outnumbered and out-gunned the English, but the tactical use of fire ships in the narrow English channel allowed an English victory. The Spanish Fleet was devastated as was the power of all of Spain.This is where the term "Black Irish" comes from. Remnants of the Armada sailed north and their ships crashed upon Ireland's rocky shores, the Spaniards integrated with the local population bringing with them their dark hair.
The English came to America by English ships. They built their ships and used them for long voyages.
Gold bullion, silver and pearls were sometimes carried by Spanish treasure ships. However, they sometimes carried more ordinary items such as tobacco and lumber.
The Susan Constant
If you mean 'armada', it means fleet, as in a fleet of ships.
The spanish had 150 ships 110 fighting ships and 40 supply ships. The English had 100 ships.
Sir Frances Drake is the English captain who plundered Spanish ships and towns.
the spanish had 120 and english had 55
The English used a tactic of sending Fire burning ships into the Spanish 'army of flanders' to break up the formation!
Because the spanish are stupid as hell.
the Spanish ships were larger and slower than the English's and the English had bigger cannons, the Spanish's tactics of naval warfare were to bord the enemies ships but they never got the chance because the English were firing at the Spanish, the Spanish ships where full of people so when they started to panic they were all unable to escape. Also English are so awesome the Spanish died to their pwnage awesomeness
With out a doubt the English ships were better made and they were lighter and moved through the water quicker. Spanish ships may have been more elaborate but they were more like clunkers and they did not move as easily through the water. Spanish ships were also easier to sink and they did not have as many weapons and the British ships.
No English in the Armada because it was Spanish ships
The English ships did fire their cannons at the Battle off Gravelines during The Spanish Armada when at a distance. But they saw those shots only did minor damage, such as to the sails. So, the English drew closer to the Spanish ships and rapidly fired their cannons broadside against them. The Spanish incurred significant damage from this tactic.
the English drove them in to sand banksthe English send fire ships to panic the Spanishthe weather pushed the Spanish in to rocks
lord howard led the English fleet of ships to victory against the spanish armarda.
It was Phillips II ships that fought against the Spanish armada