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Demosthenes is the person who led the THenian Opposition against Philip II

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greek orator

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Demosthenes was best known as a .?

A Greek Orator

What has the author Demosthenes Panato written?

Demosthenes Panato has not authored any known works.

When did the Greek man Demosthenes live?

Demosthenes is a big name, best known for his work as a statesman in ancient Greece. He was active all his life and lived from 384BC until 322BC, mostly on Poros island.

What was Demosthenes?

Demosthenes was an ancient Greek statesman and orator known for his powerful speeches and political influence in Athens. He was a key figure in resisting the rise of Macedon under Philip II and his son Alexander the Great. Demosthenes is considered one of the greatest orators in history.

Who tried to warn the Greeks that Philip was a threat to their independence?


Was Demosthenes a sophist?

No, demosthenes was an Athenian general.

What did Demosthenes do?

Demosthenes led the Athenian opposition straight to Philip. Hope this helps!

Demosthenes is remembered as one of the great greek what?

Demosthenes was one of the greatest orators in ancient Greece.

Where did Demosthenes live or rule?

Demosthenes lived in Athens and was a Senator in their government.

Demosthenes is remembered as one of the great Greek?

Demosthenes is remembered as one of the Great Greek for his oratorical speeches

Who is known through the works of his pupil Plato?

Demosthenes and Hyperides; the philosophers Speusippus, Xenocrates, and Aristotle; the great geometer and astronomer Eudoxus.

What has the author Demosthenes Theodoreskos written?

Demosthenes Theodoreskos has written: 'Fact and fiction in the work of George Philippou Pierides'