By using the writing hieroglyphs, the ancient Egyptians were able to write down records. Also they used hieroglyphs as a way to keep track of the kingdom's growing wealth. And as the empire grew, it became necessary to create more hieroglyphs for more complicated ideas.
For the Egyptians, the onion was sacred. The nine encircling layers of an onion represented eternity. Onions were often used in Egyptians burials believing that the strong scent of the onion would bring breath back to the dead.
People used smoke signals, drums and some people had messengers. Yes people did communicate by drawing on rocks which are called rock paintings.
a term used to describe the boundry of the USSR from the NATO countries
the egyptians were interseted in math and science mainly for their practical applications. Rather than trying to understand how the world worked, they used science and math as tools to improve their lives.
They used pictures for the alphabet. for example a picture of two legs means "go". Other pictures stands for sounds. For example, a drawing of an owl stands for "m" sound.
Hieroglyphics were the Ancient Egyptian form of writing. They were used for writing down everything, not just stories.
Type of writing that early Egyptians used to communicate ,but also for religion
Hieroglyphs is the language used by ancient Egyptians.
The hieroglyphic writing was used on both stone monument and for daily records and communication on papyrus scrolls. However most of the population was illiterate and this writing was primarily used by specially educated scribes.
the egyptians used a fether and ink to communicate
It was originally used of Egyptian writing but is also used of Cretan, Luwian, Mayan and Mi'jmaq writing as well as of some Chinese script. The Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their writing system. Egyptians used hieroglyphs. it also translated by a stone called the Rosetta stone. it was translated in three languages. the Greeks saw there language and figured out how to translate the hieroglyphs.
They wrote it usually on stone or mud tiles
The most known are the Egyptians. Other civilizations used them like the Mayans.
Some images that were used in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs writing were simple representations of items like animals, jewellery, swords, and symbols. The Egyptians used these hieroglyphs to tell their story for future generations.