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A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest, based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.

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Q: Describe the idea of realpolitik
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What policies characterized realpolitik?

Realpolitik is a political approach that prioritizes practical and realistic considerations over ideological or moral principles. It often involves pursuing national interests through pragmatic and calculated strategies, even if they involve controversial or amoral actions. Realpolitik policies typically prioritize power dynamics, strategic alliances, and state security above all else, often leading to a focus on maintaining stability and influence in the international arena.

What are the pros and cons of the policy of realpolitik?

Ah, realpolitik is like painting a landscape with bold, realistic strokes. The pros include practical decision-making based on current circumstances, leading to stability and security. However, the cons may involve potential ethical concerns or strained relationships due to prioritizing national interests over moral principles. Remember, every policy decision is like a color on your palette - it's all about finding the right balance.

Paleolithic animal pinting could not be describe as?

paleolithic animal painting could not be describe as

What two words describe the Hellenistic period of Greek Sculpture?

Giant and decadent are two words to describe this period.

Describe the idea of separation of powers What would be two examples of how your lives would be different if the Constitution did not provide for separation of powers?

The separation of powers was to keep any one branch of government from being to powerful. If this had not been in the constitution one branch could become way to powerful and destroy the nation as we know it

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What was the term used to describe politics of reality used by Bismarck?


What is the German term meaning the politics of reality?

Politics of reality translates as Realpolitik.

What Prussian leader coined the term Realpolitik?

Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck coined the term Realpolitik.

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How can you use realpolitik in a sentence?

Realpolitik is a foreign policy approach based on practical considerations rather than ideals or moral principles. An example sentence could be: "The country's leaders decided to pursue a realpolitik strategy, emphasizing economic interests rather than human rights concerns in their international relations."

How do you describe text which describe an idea to get copyright?

This is usually called the expression of the idea. I can't protect my idea for a movie, but I can protect my script.

Who originated realpolitik?

Otto Von Bismark

Who used realpolitik?

Otto von Bismarck

The German term meaning the politics of reality?


What is the German word that means the politics of reality used during the late 1800s to describe a tough brand of politics?

The word is Realpolitik. It signifies politics based on power, rather than on ideals/welfare.

Prussian leader Bismarck had a policy called?

Otto von Bismarck's policy was called Realpolitik. It involved making secret alliances and breaking them when they were no longer convenient.

What is the term for realistic politics based on the needs of the state?
