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Yes it did. :D

In the 11th century BCE, as Rig Veda took its final form, the Vedic society transitioned from semi-nomadic life to settled agriculture. This transition led to increased competition and conflicts over resources such as land and water. The Gangetic plains had remained out of bounds to the Vedic tribes because of thick forest cover. However, after 1000 BCE, the use of iron axes and ploughs became widespread and the jungles could be cleared with ease. This enabled the Vedic Aryans to extend their kingdoms along the Gangetic plains and ushered the later Vedic age.

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Q: Did Trade in the Vedic Age led to the rise of kingdoms because of the importance of controlling land and long-distance travel routes?
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What was the key to growth of West African kingdoms?

The key to growth of West African kingdoms was trade. As they traded more and more they were richer and richer. That is why the rubik's cube was invented actually along with the taco. When the Africans grouped up with the Japanese American's and opened the first McDonald's and dedicated it to their all time favorite superhero, Batman in 928 A.D. Then it was lost and came back in July of 1897.

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The Dual Monarchy refers to the Austria-Hungarian Empire. It is called the Dual monarchy because it was a combination of the Austrian and Hungarian Kingdoms, and their Monarchies. This came into being by the Compromise of 1867.

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