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The Normans in England did not have slaves. However, they did have a social structure called the 'Feudal System'. The lowest order of people in this system were 'Serfs'.

Serfs were effectively tied to the land that they farmed. and had to give part of their crop/harvest to the local baron.

NB In England, throughout history, slavery has never been part of the social structure. Also England was the first country to pass the 'Abolition of Slavery Act' in 1833, thirty years before the American and thir Civil War(when slavery was abolished). This was to try and stop the slave trade across the Atlantic from Africa top the America. Slaves involved in the slave trade never/rarely came to England.

The Latin for 'Slave' is 'Servus' , from which we have the words, 'Servant', Service,' and or courser 'Serf' (Norman French, not English).

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