Prehistoric time line
there really isnt anyone who contributed the most to the world in history.... however there are many people who changed it.... ghandi martin luther king junior many people like that... if you really need someone who did the biggest thing for the world then just ask me and i could probably find you something :)
The Wallchart of World History was created in 1890.
cats take over the world
The timeline of soccer is way to big for anyone to explain. Sorry.
At http://www.infoplease.com/spot/timelinearchive.html
There could be considered several major turning points in histories' timeline including World War I and II.
anyone can get a timeline. there are no age limit.
a timeline is very useful because it is easier to understand history if it is in order on a timeline.
"what does a colonal timeline look like
It would look something like this... http://www.worldhistory-poster.com/en
timeline of a dirt bike