yes if they obey all rules they can be reincarnated into a higher caste. women can only be reincarnated into an animal if all rules are obeyed.
When the Aryans first entered India, they were divided in three social classes, the warriors, the priests and the common people.
Mohandas Gandhi defended the rights of all classes of people. India had an almost insurmountable caste system that kept people poor for generations.
Hinduism contributed to India's two greatest features- political diversity and regionalism. The Guptas, for example, did not unify India's dialects into single language while China created a standard character system. During the Mauryan dynasty, India was under frequent attack by peoples on the northwestern mountain passes. As a result, classical India instead became a very well governed network of smaller kingdoms. The development of a rigid Hindu caste system lied at the heart of this stability. Separated into brahmins (priests), kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats), vaishyas (cultivators, artisans, and merchants) and shudras (landless peasants and serfs), the caste system promoted tolerance, allowing widely different social classes to live peacefully next to each other, separated by social structure. Loyalty to caste superseded loyalty to any overall ruler. Moreover, Hinduism promised personal salvation, or in Hindu terms- moksha, to those who practiced the faith diligently.
Social change in India refers to the alteration of the social order of the Indian society. The middle is becoming more powerful and therefore, they are participating more in social cause which is a good sign. Be it Swatch Bharat Abhiyan or participating in various NGO activities of their area. People today want over all development, not just in terms os salary! I recently witnessed a health camp organised by Ponty Chadha Foundation in one of the villages in Noida. I really like their initiative and the enthusiasm with which the youth participated and supported the cause.
It Was Formed For The Hindu People.
The slave social ladder: look at the caste systems in India
Both countries operate under a caste system. The system in India was strict and prohibited other classes from interacting with each other while Chinaâ??s social system did not demonstrate a formal and strict social ladder.
Rabindranath Tagore, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, was among the lowest on the social ladder as a poet from India.
The caste system that divides people into different groups
There is still Caste System (social classes) in India and it puts differences between the people.
There is still Caste System (social classes) in India and it puts differences between the people.
The caste system in Hindu India is known for the social stratification that divides people into distinct hierarchical groups based on birth, occupation, and social status. This system places individuals into specific castes, determining their opportunities and social interactions.
A type of social structure which divides people on the basis of inherited social status.
The caste system in India was established over thousands of years based on Hindu beliefs and social norms. It is not attributed to any single person or event, but rather evolved organically within Indian society. The system categorizes people into different social groups based on their birth and origins.
The caste system in India traditionally lacks social mobility, as individuals are born into a specific caste and are expected to adhere to its social roles and occupations. However, efforts are being made to promote social mobility and equality through affirmative action policies such as reservations in education and employment for historically disadvantaged castes. Despite these measures, social mobility remains limited for many lower caste individuals.
it is the "social pyramid" if ancient India I think.