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Q: During the centuries of dynastic rule the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own This situation illustrates the concept of?
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What is the Chinese dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is a political theory in the history of China. The theory states that every dynasty goes through a rise and fall and a cycle culture.

Why was China not controlled by dynastic rulers for a period during the third century before the common era?

china was splitting up and at war between different parts

How did the mauryan and gupta empires differ in boundaries?

There are many differences. One key difference is Religion where the Mauryans followed Buddhism and the Gupta Empire followed Hinduism. Other differences are from how each empire collapsed. The Mauryan Empire collapsed due to dynastic siputes and invasions. The Gupta Empire collapsed because of the corrupt governors, little central control, and pressure from the huns.

What is William of Normandy's last name?

Last names (surnames) became more common after the Domesday Book (1087) which William instituted. However, monarchs were and are seldom known by a last name. Had William been given a patronymic name, he might have been known as William Robertson or William Robinson, for his father Robert I. Or the dynastic name William Norman could have been used.

Who are the afrim people?

The Afrim people are a collection of various African tribes who mainly consisted of Akan peoples from Ghana in West Africa. In ancient times these people along with other tribes made up the ancient egyptian population. During the reign of one of there dynastic pharoah's a group of these individual tribes broke away from the rest of the egyptian empire and formed a small nation of there own. Initially they called themselves the Afrim people which is Akan for "those who broke away". Later on in there history they were referred to as Hebrews. Unfortunately this little unknown fact by most of the world's population has gone almost unnoticed. I would thoroughly recommend for readers of interest a book by Nana Darkwah called The Africans who wrote the bible. posted by Queen Hatshepsut

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During the centuries of dynastic rule the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of?


What did they call dynastic emperor in dynastic times?

Son of Heaven

What Is the Definition Dynastic Cycle?

The Government has embodied the dynastic cycle negating its destructivness by placing it under the law.

What title was given to the emperor of dynastic china during dynastic times?

son of heaven

What is the dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is the belief that the rise and fall of dynasties is controlled by Heaven (God).

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What is the Chinese dynastic cycle?

The dynastic cycle is a political theory in the history of China. The theory states that every dynasty goes through a rise and fall and a cycle culture.

Dynastic cycle influence china?


Is North Korea a monarchy?

NO. This is debated, but the general consensus is that North Korea is a Dynastic Communist State, not a monarchy.A dynastic communist state is a country whose rulers are from the communist party but has succession in leadership passing along a dynastic line like a monarchy. Some consider Dynastic Communism to be a form of Absolute Monarchy, because of the key similarity between Dynastic Communism and Absolute Monarchy being the transfer of total power along hereditary lines. However, the majority argue that since the leader of a Dynastic Communist State does not use royal titles, the state is not a proper monarchy.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Rose flower Dynastic Carefree Wonder?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rosa 'Dynastic Carefree Wonder'.

What was the last Dynastic rule of China?

The last dynasty in China was the Qing Dynasty and they fell after Ci Xi's death. Dynastic rule ended in 1911

What is the history of The Chinese Dynastic period?

They all had the Dynastic Cycle, which means that when 1 dynasty becomes very good, then it falls and another takes its place.