Well, isn't that an interesting question! During the third century before the common era, China experienced a period known as the Warring States period. This was a time of conflict and instability, with various states vying for power and control. It wasn't until the Qin Dynasty emerged victorious and unified China that dynastic rule was restored, bringing peace and stability to the land once again.
Well, honey, during the third century BCE, China was going through a little something called the Warring States period. It was like a big ol' free-for-all with different states fighting for power, so there wasn't one ruler calling the shots. It wasn't until Qin Shi Huang came along and said, "Enough of this madness, I'm gonna unify this place," that the party finally got started with the Qin Dynasty.
bc : before Christ, ad : Anno Domini (which is Latin for "Year of our Lord"), bce : before common era, ce : common era.
because of Caribbean history -- tons of slaves in 17 century and 18 century were transported from African as well Asia to the Caribbean regions
BC in a date stands for Before Christ. The term used now is BCE for Before Common Era, Before the Christian Era or Before the Current Era.
Soviet union.
It means Before Christ. (Christ was born in the year 0). BC stands for Before Christ. So 1000BC is 1000 years Before Christ was born
There was no dynastic rulers because china split up into many small kingdoms during the warring states period
That was the age of warring states.
because they needed to have more babies by sex real hard daddy harder mmm to have rulers lol for 6 grade the sex part was required so
Imperialism! France had colonies in North Africa and controlled Lebanon between World Wars I and II. England controlled Palestine between World Wars I and II. France and then Britain controlled Egypt for a century. Spain has outposts on the coast of Morocco. Italy controlled Lybia.
Controlled economies were common in eastern bloc countries.
No, it is in the second century BC. As a general rule, if you do not specify BC or AD, the assumption is that you are talking about AD. Some use BCE and CE to reference 'Before Common Era' and 'Common Era' instead of the references to Christ.
The imperialist nations have in common in the 19th century was that they were industrialized.
controlled economies
The word century is a common noun. The word tenth is functioning as an adjective (not a noun) decribing the noun century.
what were three common medecines used in the 16th century england
The word century is a common noun. The word fifteenth is functioning as an adjective (not a noun) decribing the noun century.
they are controlled by humans