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Q: Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna?
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Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna

What were the goals of the congress of Vienna?

The chief goal of the Vienna decision makers was to create a lasting peace by establishing a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy.

What goals of the congress of Vienna were?

The chief goal of the Vienna decision makers was to create a lasting peace by establishing a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy.

What was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?

The most important goal of congress of Vienna was to restore the balance of power, and that was why the punishment to France was not as severe. (B/c France needed to be one of the powers to maintain balance)

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Moral development was the chief outcome of charity schools.

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The outcome of the decision is pending approval from the Editor-in-Chief.

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No Congress does not have the power to appoint the Commander in Chief. The Commander in Chief is the President and US citizens have the power to elect the President.

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Chief Legislator

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Who is the first lady chief of congress?

Michelle Obama :)