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the khilafat movement fostered hindu-mulim unity and strengthened nationalist feeling in India

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Q: Explain the impact of khilafat movement on the Indian national movement?
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Role of press in Indian national movement?

The Indian National Movement brought much pride to the Indian people and unified them as a country. The press was vital in this movement because it spread news of the unification to all parts of the country.

Results of khilafat movement?

Background:After the First World War in 1918, British and its allied powers decided to divide Turkey among themselves. Turkey supported Germany in the First World War. Germany lost the war and Turkey had to face the music. British and its allies also resolved to dissolve the designation of Khilafat. The designation of Khilafat always remained holy and sacred in the Muslim history. Khalifa is considered the vicegerent of Allah on the Earth. Therefore, the Muslims became infuriated on this unholy act of the British government. Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar and Maulana Shaukat Ali Johar along with other Muslim leaders started a movement called the Khilafat movement.Aims And Objectives Of The Khilafat Movement:The Khilafat Movement aimed at presenting the Ottoman Empire and the continuity of the temporal power of Khalifa to protect Muslim lands without any mandate. Mohammad Ali put forward the demands of the Khilafat Movement in a speech delivered at Paris on March 21, 1920 by declaring:“The Khilafat shall not be dismembered but that the KhalifaShall have sufficient temporal power for the defence of theFaith, that in the Island of Arabia there shall be exclusive,Muslim control without mandate or protection and that theKhalifa shall remain as heretofore the warden of theHoly places.”Demands Of The Khilafat Movement:The demands of the Khilafat committee were as under:i) The Turkish Empire should not be dismembered.ii) The Holy place should remain in the custody of Turkish Government.iii) The institution of Caliphate must be retained.Causes Of The Failure Of Khilafat Movement:Gandhi also joined Muslims in their Khilafat Movement. In fact, he wants to protect the British government and needed autonomy of India through this movement. Therefore, he joined the Khilafat Movement for achieving his coveted plan. Apparently, he was showing that he was sincere to the Muslim cause.Quaid-e-Azam admonished the Muslims that this movement should not be started but Muslims were not listening to him.Non-cooperation movement, Hijrat movement, Moplah revolt and the Chauri Chaura tragedy did a great loss to Muslim properties, wealth and lives.After the tragedy of Chauri Chaura, Gandhi left the Khilafat movement saying that he did not like violence.After Hijrat Movement, the Muslims had to come back to the Sub-continent but now they had lost their hearth and home. They had to face the severe circumstances in the Khilafat movement.In 1924, Mustafa Kamal Ata Turk assumed power in Turkey and abolished the institution of Khilafat himself lf. This act of him really disappointed Muslims. Thus the Khilafat Movement came to an end without achieving its goals.Effects Of Khilafat Movement:i) The Credit Side Of Khilafat Movement:• It trained Muslims for political action and agitation.• It united the extremists and modernists on one platform.• They learned that Hindus can never be friends of Muslims. Their differences are too deep-rooted to weed out.• The Muslims got acquainted of their political power.• It made Muslims politically conscious.• It destroyed the myth of Muslims loyalty to the British.ii) Adverse Side Of Khilafat Movement:• Muslims became more interested in national affairs than international one.• Hijrat movement cost millions of rupees and millions of families.• Muslim emotionalism gave nothing to them. Khilafat was abolished not by British but by Turks themselves.• Religious leaders for the time being vanished from political arena.Conclusion:Every movement against the British rule left its good as well as bad effects on the people. After Khilafat Movement Muslims of the Sub-continent become united, strong and conscious about their separate identity which led them towards final destination. This was the real credit which Muslims derived from Khilafat Movement.

How was the Khilafat and Non-cooperation movement different from one another?

The main difference between the two groups is the religion. The Khilafat movement was a pan-Islamic, political protest campaign started by Muslims in India and the Non-cooperation movement was a nationwide campaign of mass, peaceful civil disobedience, led by Mohandas Gandhi and was supported by the Indian National Congress, whose members were principally Hindu. They worked well together against British rule until outside religious-political groups started accusing each group of solely representing their own interests.

What is the significance of chauri-chaura in the history Indian national movement?

Gandhi started his non cooperation movement

What group formed to push for self-rule in India?

Indian National Congress

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KHILAFAT MOVEMENTgandhiji saw khilafat monement as an oppurtunity for uniting Hindus and Muslimsunity "would be an empty phase if Hindus hold aloof"

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Why the people might have been surprised to see congress supporting the khilafat movement?

Because congress wanted Hindu rule whereas the Khilafat Movement was a totally Muslim co operation

Who started the ahrar movement in India?

The Majlis-e-Ahrar-ul-Islam, were a short lived separatist political movement who were the former Khilafat movement. They differed with the Indian National Congress over certain issues and afterwards announced the formation of their party in a meeting at Lahore in 1931.

The end khilafat movement?

The decision to call of the disobedience campaign by Gandhi weakened the Hindu-Muslim unity, but the Muslims were determined to carry on with the Khilafat Movement. Unfortunately, they cared more about the fate of the Khalifa than did the new rulers of Turkey. In 1922, the Sultan was deprived of Political power. Two years later, the new ruler of Turkey, Kemal Attaturk abolished the Khilafat and exiled the Khalifa, Muhammad VI. IT made no difference what Indian Muslims or BritishPoliticians wanted. The Turks themselves had abolished the Khilafat. Consequently, the Khilafat Movement in India also came to an End By Jawad Ashraf

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Write a note on the khilafat movement?

Khilafat Movement (1919-1924) was a significant Islamic movement in India during the British rule. This was an attempt by the Indian Muslim community to unite together in support of the Turkish Empire ruled by the Khalifa, which was attacked by European powers. The Muslims considered the Khalifa as the custodian of Islam. They simply could not digest his dethronement. Under the leadership of prominent Muslim leaders, notable one being Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, they launched the Khilafat Movement in most parts of North India. The Khilafat Movement, aimed against the British government, received the support of Mahatma Gandhi, who related hisNon Cooperation Movement with it. The main objective behind this move was to enlist the support of the Muslim community into his movement, which addressed the issue of 'Swaraj' (Self-Government). By mid-1920 the Khilafat leaders assured full support to the non-violent methods of Gandhi, which facilitated the establishment of a united front of Hindus and Muslims against the British government. This combined force formed a major threat to the British rule. The Khilafat Movement however did not last long. Owing to some violent incidents in the country which resulted in the deaths of many Indian and British people, Mahatma Gandhi called off his Non Cooperation Movement. This was a major jolt to the Khilafat Movement. The movement received its final blow in March 1924, when the original Khilafat movement in Turkey was abolished following the Islamic country's conversion from a Sultanate empire to a Republic BY OSAMA TANVEER

Who were the first Indian nationalists?

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Role of press in Indian national movement?

The Indian National Movement brought much pride to the Indian people and unified them as a country. The press was vital in this movement because it spread news of the unification to all parts of the country.

Results of khilafat movement?

Background:After the First World War in 1918, British and its allied powers decided to divide Turkey among themselves. Turkey supported Germany in the First World War. Germany lost the war and Turkey had to face the music. British and its allies also resolved to dissolve the designation of Khilafat. The designation of Khilafat always remained holy and sacred in the Muslim history. Khalifa is considered the vicegerent of Allah on the Earth. Therefore, the Muslims became infuriated on this unholy act of the British government. Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar and Maulana Shaukat Ali Johar along with other Muslim leaders started a movement called the Khilafat movement.Aims And Objectives Of The Khilafat Movement:The Khilafat Movement aimed at presenting the Ottoman Empire and the continuity of the temporal power of Khalifa to protect Muslim lands without any mandate. Mohammad Ali put forward the demands of the Khilafat Movement in a speech delivered at Paris on March 21, 1920 by declaring:“The Khilafat shall not be dismembered but that the KhalifaShall have sufficient temporal power for the defence of theFaith, that in the Island of Arabia there shall be exclusive,Muslim control without mandate or protection and that theKhalifa shall remain as heretofore the warden of theHoly places.”Demands Of The Khilafat Movement:The demands of the Khilafat committee were as under:i) The Turkish Empire should not be dismembered.ii) The Holy place should remain in the custody of Turkish Government.iii) The institution of Caliphate must be retained.Causes Of The Failure Of Khilafat Movement:Gandhi also joined Muslims in their Khilafat Movement. In fact, he wants to protect the British government and needed autonomy of India through this movement. Therefore, he joined the Khilafat Movement for achieving his coveted plan. Apparently, he was showing that he was sincere to the Muslim cause.Quaid-e-Azam admonished the Muslims that this movement should not be started but Muslims were not listening to him.Non-cooperation movement, Hijrat movement, Moplah revolt and the Chauri Chaura tragedy did a great loss to Muslim properties, wealth and lives.After the tragedy of Chauri Chaura, Gandhi left the Khilafat movement saying that he did not like violence.After Hijrat Movement, the Muslims had to come back to the Sub-continent but now they had lost their hearth and home. They had to face the severe circumstances in the Khilafat movement.In 1924, Mustafa Kamal Ata Turk assumed power in Turkey and abolished the institution of Khilafat himself lf. This act of him really disappointed Muslims. Thus the Khilafat Movement came to an end without achieving its goals.Effects Of Khilafat Movement:i) The Credit Side Of Khilafat Movement:• It trained Muslims for political action and agitation.• It united the extremists and modernists on one platform.• They learned that Hindus can never be friends of Muslims. Their differences are too deep-rooted to weed out.• The Muslims got acquainted of their political power.• It made Muslims politically conscious.• It destroyed the myth of Muslims loyalty to the British.ii) Adverse Side Of Khilafat Movement:• Muslims became more interested in national affairs than international one.• Hijrat movement cost millions of rupees and millions of families.• Muslim emotionalism gave nothing to them. Khilafat was abolished not by British but by Turks themselves.• Religious leaders for the time being vanished from political arena.Conclusion:Every movement against the British rule left its good as well as bad effects on the people. After Khilafat Movement Muslims of the Sub-continent become united, strong and conscious about their separate identity which led them towards final destination. This was the real credit which Muslims derived from Khilafat Movement.

What will be the conclusion for mahatma Gandhi's role in Indian national movement?

conclusion on mahatma gandhi's role in national movement