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he invented washers, dryers1

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When were the gallows invented?

it was invented in eighteen twelve by Cheyenne architect James p Julian.

Who has been elected prime minister the most number of times?

William Ewart Gladstone - 4 times. 1868 - 74, 1880 - 85, 1886, 1892 - 94 William Ewart Gladstone

Josip tito domestic policies?

The Yugoslav statesman Marshal Tito (born 1892) became president of Yugoslavia in 1953. He directed the rebuilding of a Yugoslavia devastated in World War II and the welding of Yugoslavia's different peoples into unity until his death in 1980.

What did Henry bates do?

Henry Walter Bates was an English naturalist and explorer who was born in 1825 and died in 1892. Norman Bates is the name of the character who jkkilled his mother and dressed up as her in Alfred Hitchcock's movie Psycho. Master Bates is really spelled masturbates and means to play with your sex organs.

Why does the Blackwall Tunnel have bends in it?

Because the soil was too hard to bore through Because the tunnel was originally built between 1892 and 1897 where transport was primarily by horse, and horses do not like to be led down underground so when they used to see daylight at the end of the tunnel, they would typically bolt for the end, causing collisions with other riders. Therefore bends were added to the tunnel to avoid these situations. ............................................. Whilst the previous explanation sounds plausible, there is no mention of this in the 'design & construction' details. In 'British History Online', it says that "the proximity of the docks and the availability of suitable approaches dictated its slightly sinuous path".