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They were invented in India and brought to Europe by Arabs.

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Q: Hindu-Arabic numerals were developed around 400 B.C. and are used in a decimal (base 10) system. Which of these is true about Arabic numerals?
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Who first developed Arabic numerals?

Arabic numerals were developed by Hindus in India around 400 BCE. They became known as "Arabic" because it was Arabs who spread them to the West. (see:

How Hindu Arabic numerals was developed?

they are developed by the Arabs which is in India

Hindu-Arabic numerals were developed around 400 B.C. and are used in a decimal (base 10) system. Which of these is true about Arabic numerals?

But no facts have been given to decided which is true about Arabic numerals and so therefore an answer is not possible although it is true that Arabic numerals contain a zero symbol which makes arithmetic a lot easier.

Why were Arabic numerals developed?

Arabic numerals were developed by Hindus in India around 400 BCE. They became known as "Arabic" because it was Arabs who spread them to the West. they speaked a diffrent launge (see: Arabic numerals were developed by Hindus in India around 400 BCE. They became known as "Arabic" because it was Arabs who spread them to the West. they speaked a diffrent launge (see:

What was the number system orginating in India?

Many historians believe that the number system using Arabic numerals, now used throughout most of the world, was developed during the Gupta dynasty along with the base 10 decimal system and the concept of zero.

Hindu-Arabic numerals developed in India invented which mathematical concept?

The concept of zero

Why are your numbers 1 to 9 known as Arabic numerals?

Because they come from the Hindu-Arabic numeral system developed by Indian mathematicians.

What is the Hindu Arabic or decimal numerals of dcciv?

The Hindu-Arabic numeral system is the decimal system we use today. In this system, "dcciv" translates to 704. To break it down: "d" represents 500, "cc" represents 200 (100 + 100), and "iv" represents 4 (5 - 1). Therefore, when combined, it equals 704 in decimal form.

Why are Arabic numerals called Arabic numerals when they actually came from India?

Arabic numerals are called that because the European interpretation of those numbers comes from the Arabs. The numerals are called Arabic numerals (even though they do not resemble modern Arabic numerals in the slightest) to distinguish them from Roman numerals.

What is LI in Arabic numerals?

In Arabic numerals, LI represents the number 51. The Arabic numeral system is a positional decimal system, where the value of a digit depends on its position within a number. In this case, L represents 50 and I represents 1, so when combined, LI equals 51.

What is 30 in Arabic numerals?

30 in Arabic numerals is ٣٠

What is lvi in Arabic numerals?

The Roman numerals lvi or LVI converted into Arabic numerals are 56