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Q: How did England view its north America colonies?
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How did European nations view their colonies?

savage and dirty

How did the Japanese people in 1905 view America after the Russo-Japanese War?

As a nation that favored the Russians.

What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on England from a political point of view?

No ruler will have more power than the parliament.

What are some important Historical Events that happened in England?

King Henry VIII came to throne Queen Elizabeth 1 came to throne Spanish Armada Norman invasion in 1066 Beheading of King Charles I Development of the steam engine Expanding power of Parliament Magna Carta Wars of the Roses Act of Union with Scotland chartering of various American colonies

How did Canada become an independent country?

It happened gradually over time. In 1867 Canada did officially become a country but under the British Crown it still had colonial status. Different Prime Ministers did small things here and there to further Canada's independence, for example when Sir Wilfrid Laurier (PM from 1896-1911 I think) created his own Navy for Canada instead of sharing Great Britain's. The two biggest strides though were probably first of all when Borden insisted that Canada have its own seat for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (right after the world war one), which meant for the first time that Canada's international affairs were separate from Great Britain's, and of course when Trudeau brought the constitution home in 1982 which officially allowed Canada to make amendments to its own constitution instead of having to ask Great Britain to amend it for us, and was also the last step in becoming a completely independent nation.

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How did the British colonies view the French in North America in 1685?

because they just did!

What was England's view of colonies under mercantilism?

England viewed its North American colonies as an economic resource, colonies provided raw materials, made products out of it, and sold it back for a higher price go make a profit.

How did England view it's North American colonies?

As a way to make money through charter colonies and taxes. Also as a way for more power.

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how did england view its north american colonies

What did England bring to north America?

From the view of the native Americans, the colonists and their diseases were two bad things.

How did England view the colonies?

The colonies were viewed as a cash cow in the mercantile economy of England.

How did New England view the colonies?

They hated them and believed that they were commiting treason.

What Contributed heavily to the colonies' decision to go to war against England?

The British view that the colonies were to be used and exploited

What was the British view on Mercantilism?

England believed that the colonies were set up for the benefit of England all the products produced in the colonies should go to the mother country (England) were the products would then be sold back to the colonies for really high prices.

How did England view its North American coloines?

Economic resource

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A Summary View of the Rights of British Americawas the name paper that pushed Jefferson into the public eye in England and the American colonies.

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