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Rasputin healed the Czar's son's illness (hemophilia)

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Q: How did Grigori Raputin help the Czar's son?
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Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian mystic who is perceived as having influenced the latter days of the Russian Tsar Nicholas 2, his wife the Tsaritsa Alexandra, and their only son the Tsarevich Alexei. Rasputin had often been called the "Mad Monk", while others considered him a "strannik" (or religious pilgrim) and even a "starets", believing him to be a psychic and faith healer.

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You can get help for your 9th grader son from Pediatrician, School Psychologist or School Counselor.

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Grigori Rasputin -- He had the Tsar Nicholas II and Tsaritza Alexandra under his spell after "curing" their son and heir (who was afflicted with hemophilia)and was killed in 1916 by poison, gunshots and finally drowning

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there are many trusts to help me to get you scholarships and getting help for my 15 yr old son

How did grigori rasputin have an influence on czar nicholas romanov the 2nd?

He influenced the Tsar because he was known as the faith healer, and was believed to have mystical powers to cure the tsarevitch Alexeis of his hemophilia. Also Alexandra was very fond of him because she believed he could cure her son.

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You have asked me what school games online that will help your son with his grades would be this web site "". I hope it helps your son with his grades.

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You can read about Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, in the related link.

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You can use bbc bitesize which will help your son to read and learn new words and also you can get a tutor for your son which is also a good idea. Both of them are good

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The possessive form of the singular noun son-in-law is son-in-law's.Example: I finished painting the house with my son-in-law's help.

What is son in singular possessive form?

The possessive form of the singular noun son-in-law is son-in-law's.Example: I finished painting the house with my son-in-law's help.

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