Irish dancing began with the Druids who danced during their religious rituals. This dance was then combined with Celtic dance styles as they migrated to the area.
According to legend, when Ireland was under complete British control, Irish culture was discouraged by the English in charge. Dancing, which was incredibly important to the Irish, was allegedly outlawed by conquering Normans in the 12th century. According to a popular legend, the natives refused to give up their dance, and adapted their dances by keeping their arms still so that whenever the English would look in the Irish people's windows, all they would see was a person with their hands to their sides, but their feet and legs were moving, under the protection of the the windows to conceal their "outlawed dancing." However, this is nothing more than an urban legend and the real history of Irish dancing is much more complicated.Irish dances evolved for many different reasons, one of them being the outside influence of British dances, but not because it was declared illegal. One conquering Brit, Sir Henry Sydney wrote to Queen Elizabeth I in1569 of the Irish jigs he witnessed young girls performing for him upon his arrival: "They are very beautiful, magnificently dressed and first-class dancers."One reason their arms are still in jigs and other similar dances is because the focus was meant to be given to the feet. Often, dancing competitions (which are still common in Ireland today,) would state in the rules that one cannot move their upper body, because the complex footwork is what is being judged and the judges should not "be unfairly influenced by elaborate hand and arm movement."In truth, the history of Irish dancing is among an evolution of a complex nation which was often influenced by outsiders, the church, invaders and yet , to this day, maintains some of the most unique dancing culture in the world. So, no... hiding from the British is not exactly why they keep their arms still.Sources:Irish Dancing Commission - Origins and Evolutions By Dr. John CullinaneWebsite at the link belowHaving an Irish Dance-a-holic Grandma
NINA signs were are form of discrimination against Irish Catholics. They were posted in London and meant 'No Irish Need Apply'
They mostly arrived in the US in Philly and then spread out through Virginia and after that they started moving into North Carolina. For a good summary on Scots-Irish history, click on the link below.
The Irish and Scottish are Celtic, not Anglo-Saxon. They are linguistically and culturally Celtic but are related to the Anglo-Saxons because they all derive from the same Indo European people. The Irish and Scottish have a heavy Genetic relation to Anglo-saxons due to the settlements in Ireland and Scotland
To rush along; move quickly. (Irish)
In Cork
it started in Ireland, most young kids didn't have tv's so they played with their friends, and that is how Irish dancing began and originated
I know all about Irish Dancing because i do it and i researched it for a topic at school. Irish Dancing obviosily originated from Ireland and started when the Celts came. That was about 300 AD
the school i go to starts teaching Irish dance at 5 to12 years of age
Tap,Irish dancing and Ballet
It is a tradition of the Irish and is like a handshke in irish irish dancing is and was a way of life for irish people
Ireland is the country of origin for Irish Dancing.
Yes because a Setdance is a dance you do in Irish Dancing
Irish Dancing is performed and practiced everywhere!
Too much beer and not enough restrooms. It's a joke, of course...
I would think it started in Ireland. But I'm not entirely sure.
Tap is a blend of Irish step dancing and African gumboot dancing. It began when the two minority groups were highly oppressed and they blended their dance forms. The steps of the Irish combined with the rhythm and style of the African Americans created tap.