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it caused war and trading with each other.

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Bailee Schulist

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2y ago
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Q: How did Japans location both separate it from and tie it to China and Korea?
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How did japans location separate it from and tie it to china and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How did japan location both separate it from and it to china Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How did Japan's location both separate it from and tie it to China. and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other.

How did japan location both separate it from tie it to china and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How did japan's location both separate it from and tie it to China's and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other.

How did japan's location both separate it and tie it to china and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How did Japan's location both separate it from to Tie China and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How Did Japans Location both separate it From and tie it China and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

How did Japan's location both separate it from and tie to china and Korea?

it caused war and trading with each other

What are Japan's neighbours?

japans nearest neighbours are china, Korea and russia japans nearest neighbours are china, Korea and russia

What separate china and South Korea?

The Yellow sea seperates china and south korea

What are Japans neighbouring countries?

Japan's neighbouring countries consist of North Korea, South Korea, and China.