He died of a sever case of this web sit is fake u can put anything u want in this so don't go looking for answers on this site is a waste of time hope u no ):(
Cecil Calvert intended for Maryland to be a refuge where English Roman Catholics could live without religious persecution. He established this colony in 1634. Cecil Calvert's title was Second Lord Baltimore.
Spiro Agnew, John Wilkes Booth, Tom Clancy, Jr., and Frank Zappa are all famous people who were born or lived in Maryland. Additional people from Maryland are Cal Ripkin, Jr., and Thurgood Marshall.
george calvert was a leader of the southern colonies and also a American pioneer He was also an American pioneer! He helped settle America.
to get more land and to make money
Howard Florey and his mum
30th November 1675
Celcilius Calvert
I'm asking you that question who ever you are
Lord Baltimore
in Brazil
Because Cecil Calvert stayed in England, they stayed , too.
Because Cecil Calvert stayed in England, they stayed , too.
cecil calvert
cecil calvert
cecil calvert
Cecil Calvert
Cecil Calvert Evers has written: 'The commercial problem in buildings' -- subject(s): Building, Real estate business