petition of right 1628 was when parliament wrote a list of things that were illegal for a king/queen to do. During this period, the king was Charles I of England. Sir Edward Coke brought up this whole idea about the petition of right.
Petition of Rights
The English monarch had absolute power and ruled by divine right.
The right to life, liberty, and the right to assemble were three of the things listed in the signed petition that the First Continental Congress sent to the King. They also said they had the right to a trail by jury.
That would be John Locke
Petition the government mean to make a formal request of the government .
The right to petition the government appears in the First Amendment.
1st amendment means you have the right to right a petition to the government stating that you and a group of people are unhappy about something The First Amendment guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
Parliament passed the petition right. This gave citizens the right to petition things they didn't agree with in the government and in public.
The petition challenged the idea of the divine right of kings, declaring that even a monarch must obey the law of the land. This was a very revolutionary idea in England, because the monarch was deemed a religious authority appointed by God, which gave him a pass from so-called earthly laws.
The right to petition is the right which guarantees the freedom to make a request of the government.
The first Amendment gives people the right to petition the government. Specifically, it gives the right "to petition the government for a redress of grievances". This is the right to ask the government to right wrongs.
Petition of Right
That is the right of petition.
1st Amendment.
if it's for your government homework it's John Locke's "Two Treaties on Government, English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, and Petition of Right