The Tudors dig a hole then they do their business. Then they put soil to cover it, and when they don't have much space they pour water to destroy it.
Continents discovered by the Tudors
what the tudors make in?
The Tudors came first then the Stuart's
The terrible tudors password is mould
The Tudors wear heavy metal clothes at battle's to protect themselves.
The Tudors probably did not wash daily as the process of filling tubs with hot water was time-consuming. When they did wash, they used soaps made of olive oil and perfumed with any number of herbs and oils.
yes but you have to wash the clothes in the toilet
no they didn't.
During the exodus they did get to wash their clothes. The Jews did not get to wash theirs.
wash clothes with water thoroughly
ladies wore long tall dresses
tudors went down to the lake and got buckets of water and washed the potsPS do not change this joe hydeby reece clampage 9
what did thety wash their clothes with back in the olden days
The Tudors washed by getting a bowl then getting and old rag and washing themselves with it :]
yes you can wash the clothes and if it smells good they will really bye it.
yes, you can buy a washing machine to wash your clothes, and you can either buy a dryer or a clothes line to dry them.