It made rulers and their counselors think less about abstract ideals and more about actual human conduct and likely results
Looser read the book
He wrote the book The Prince which effected many public views of political philosophy.
he WA a very very strict ruler and killed anyone who opposed him.!!.
heh you took that right from my history text book
U.S. Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" in 1890.The book was a classic and the Kaiser had a copy of it placed in every German naval vessel.
"The Prince"
"The Prince" is a political treatise written by Niccolò Machiavelli that discusses the acquisition and maintenance of power. It explores themes such as leadership, morality, and the relationship between rulers and their subjects. The book has had a significant influence on political thought and is often associated with the concept of realpolitik, which prioritizes practicality over idealism in governance. Its ideas have been both praised for their insight into power dynamics and criticized for their perceived amorality.
travels of marco plo
The practice of burning books is as old as the written word. Ancient rulers smashed stone tablets and defaced previous rulers statues as a way to eliminate the previous rulers influence.
The practice of burning books is as old as the written word. Ancient rulers smashed stone tablets and defaced previous rulers statues as a way to eliminate the previous rulers influence.
It is called "The Prince" written by Niccolo Machiavelli in 1513, but not published until 1532, five years after his death.
Machiavelli's book "The Prince" was written with the aim of advising rulers, specifically Lorenzo de' Medici, on how to acquire and maintain power effectively. It offers pragmatic insights on leadership, politics, and governance, advocating for rulers to prioritize the stability and security of their state over moral considerations.
He wrote a book.
Machiavelli wrote "The Prince" in 1513, during the Italian Renaissance. The book was written as a practical guide for rulers on how to maintain power and control.
The main subject of Niccolo Machiavelli's book "The Prince" is political theory and advice for rulers on how to maintain power and govern effectively. Machiavelli emphasizes the use of deceit, manipulation, and ruthlessness when necessary to achieve political goals.
The New Rulers of the World - book - has 246 pages.
Machiavelli did not rule, he wrote a book called "Il Principe" or "The Prince" that was meant to be a guide for rulers. Machiavelli was a diplomat, civil servant, writer, and philosopher.