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The steam engine changed history by the way people worked. It also allowed people to have faster transportation. Supplies could also be sent to places quicker, allowing people to have more time to make clothing and art.

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10y ago

this was changed becausse it can be useful an more easier to travel in the the lajkes or aoeceasjdm an old of tahatah

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Q: How did the commercial steamboat change history?
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What river was used to test the first commercial steamboat?

The prototype for the first commercial steamboat was tested on the Seine River. The actual steamboat was launched on the Hudson River.

What year the steamboat invented by Robert fulton was invented?

In 1807, Fulton (with help) built the first commercial steamboat, the North River Steamboat (later known as the Clermont), which carried passengers between New York City and Albany, New York. He didn't invent the steamboat, his was just the first commercial steamboat.

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You mean: Who is credited with inventing the steamboat? ...Right? Robert Fulton invented the first full-size, commercial steamboat, Clermont. (:

Who first demonstrated commercial use of the steamboat?

Robert fulton

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When and where did Robert Fulton invent the steamboat?

In 1807, Fulton (with help) built the first commercial steamboat, the North RiverSteamboat (later known as the Clermont), which carried passengers between NewYork City and Albany, New York. He didn't invent the steamboat, his was just thefirst commercial steamboat

Which inventor built the Clermont the first commercial steamboat?

Robert Fulton.

Why did the steamboat change society?

It change in faster transportation

What river was used to test the first commerical steamboat?

The first commercial steamboat was tested on the Seine, a river in northern France. It was tested by Robert Fulton.

How did Robert fulton's accomplishments change America?


How did the steamboat change the peoples lives at the time?

It help travel

What inpack did a steamboat have on our history?

The steamboat created national economic growth. It facilitated a large number of westward migration of settlers. It greatly improved trade abilities.