It mandated that something about the government gets done becaus nothing seemed to be working.
They resented their lack of political power under the Old Regime.
The French Revolution gave the world a different model from the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a giving of rights taken away or an extension of rights. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution simply listed rights that various kings had previously affirmed belonged to all Englishmen. The American Revolution limited the tyranny government could do. The French Revolution on the other hand presented a violent overthrow of the old order. It was not an evolutionary change but a revolutionary change. Many revolutionary groups chose to follow the French style of Revolution. The main one was communism. The politburo was a thinly disguised committee on public safety. It served the same purpose. Stalin was Robespierre. They begin with high sounding rhetoric. It had a dream based on platitudes. It disintegrates into chaos. The dream that a people can live by platitudes keeps appearing and never works. A group takes over the government and becomes terrorist. The impact of the French Revolution has been to destroy the old order. Like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution destroyed the old landowning nobility. All revolutions based on the French Revolution do that. Then internal corruption brings the collapse of the revolution. When no other way is seen to exist to get rid of a powerful entrenched nobility, a French revolution may occur. When the task is to prevent a return of tyranny as it was in Germany after World War 2, an American Revolution may occur.
Dauphin Louis Auguste was also known as Louis, Dauphin of France, and later became King Louis XVI of France. He married Marie Antoinette, Archduchess of Austria. Their marriage was the catalyst to the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette embraced the lavish lifestyle of the French royal court with enthusiasm. She had little regard for the poor and struggling peasants, and spent money frivolously. For her attitude, she became the symbol of the people's hatred for the old regime during the French Revolution. When the French Revolution began, Marie Antionette supported the old regime. When the National Convention established the French Republic in 1792, Marie Antoinette and the king were imprisoned. Antoinette was beheaded on 16 October 1793.
The Bastille. However that demolition project had been scheduled well before the Revolution began, and the old stone fortress had its stones used in other building projects and that is why so much care was taken during the demolition effort.
The Franc was the old standard of currencey in France up until it was replaced by the Euro in 1999. The Franc replaced the Livre in 1360 AD. The Franc was decimalized in 1795 during the French revolution. The Livre was the Currency standard estblished by Charlemagne in the 8th century to replace Roman coinage which was still in use at the time.
The new order was the restoration of the old Monarchy which the French Revolution tried to be rid of.
Old unpaid war debts.
The Enlightenment did not directly contribute to the outbreak of the French Revolution, but the French revolution does embody some of the enlightenment ideas. Enlightenment thinkers promoted ideas of progress and natural law in all aspects of society. This can be seen in the writings of Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire. Ideas of the French Revolution derived from the Enlightenment are as follows: Constitutional monarchy, Liberal government, Division of powers among the nobles, the monarchy, and the representatives of the cities to replace the Old Regime, The Declaration of the Rights of Man, The Social Contract, Popular Sovereignty, and the Enlightened Absolutism.
It had dislodged the old social order, overthrown the monarchy, and brought the church under state control.
The answer is The Old Regime
The French Revolution gave the world a different model from the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a giving of rights taken away or an extension of rights. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution simply listed rights that various kings had previously affirmed belonged to all Englishmen. The American Revolution limited the tyranny government could do. The French Revolution on the other hand presented a violent overthrow of the old order. It was not an evolutionary change but a revolutionary change. Many revolutionary groups chose to follow the French style of Revolution. The main one was communism. The politburo was a thinly disguised committee on public safety. It served the same purpose. Stalin was Robespierre. They begin with high sounding rhetoric. It had a dream based on platitudes. It disintegrates into chaos. The dream that a people can live by platitudes keeps appearing and never works. A group takes over the government and becomes terrorist. The impact of the French Revolution has been to destroy the old order. Like the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution destroyed the old landowning nobility. All revolutions based on the French Revolution do that. Then internal corruption brings the collapse of the revolution. When no other way is seen to exist to get rid of a powerful entrenched nobility, a French revolution may occur. When the task is to prevent a return of tyranny as it was in Germany after World War 2, an American Revolution may occur.
The diplomats at Vienna wanted to return Europe t the way it was before the French Revolution.
The diplomats at Vienna wanted to return Europe t the way it was before the French Revolution.
In america the revolution was against a foreign enemy so all efforts went to fight the british,in france it was a social revolution where the people turned against the old order and attacked the higher classes and anyone who they thought was an enemy.
Prior to the French revolution, there was a huge distinction between the rich and the poor. The French people were living in extreme poverty while the nobles were living it up and running the country into debt. The French people simply became fed up with this and wanted a new, fair system of government in which they would no longer be frivolously ruled. These are the main points of why the old regime caused the French revolution.
They resented their lack of political power under the Old Regime.
the political and social system that existed in France before the french revolution.