Dressing a sturgeon is a term used to describe preparing the fish for eating. You would filet the sturgeon like any fish, removing the flaky bones.
WE ARE. The number one predator to sturgeon is humans. Sea Lions and Lampreys also. Bass are known to eat baby sturgeon and many fish eat their eggs like Sculpin.
Chanel has been around since 1921. it was created for Coco Chanel by Ernest Beaux.
Practically Nothing. Sometimes Bears and Man.
Sturgeon are big fish that have been around since the dinosaur's!
Theodore Sturgeon was born on February 26, 1918 and died on May 8, 1985. Theodore Sturgeon would have been 67 years old at the time of death or 97 years old today.
how long has deforestation been around
No. Sturgeon is a freshwater fish. Sturgeon is also one of the longest living fish, as some sturgeon live to be 100 or older.
Not all, but sturgeon (fish) do. They can get up too 60 feet long. One has been recorded in Shasta Lake, CA to be 54 ft
Sturgeon Falls Ontario.
They have always been around
the Beluga Sturgeon
There are 29 species of sturgeon that range in size from the Dwarf sturgeon thats only 9 inches and weighs less than 1/2 a pound to the Beluga sturgeon that is thought to reach 30 feet and over 5,000 pounds (more commonly to 20 feet and 2,000 lbs) Many species are around 8 feet and 2-300 lbs.
It has been around since 2002.
it has been around for many years.