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Sailors are known for their liberal habits.

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Q: How was syphilis transported to the old world during The Columbian exchange?
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Which was not transported during the columbian exchange?

respect for indigenous values

Was xanthoceras traded in the Columbian Exchange?

It is unknown if xanthoceras was traded during the Columbian Exchange. A list of known items traded during the Colombian Exchange can be found online.

Who was affected during the Columbian Exchange?

Hernan Cortez

What was shared by accident during the Columbian exchange?


What animal had the greatest effect during the columbian exchange?

the horse

What are two examples of the impact the americas had on europe during the columbian exchange?

Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no potatoes in Ireland, no tomatoes in Italy, and no chocolate in Switzerland.

What are two examples of impact the Americas had on Europe during the Columbian exchange?

Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no potatoes in Ireland, no tomatoes in Italy, and no chocolate in Switzerland.

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange that occurred during the Age of Discovery?

The world's largest cryptocurrency exchange ht tps: // e xe. io / p0CK7l (remove spaces and paste it into your browser)

Where was Columbus during the columbian exchange?

he was adventuring all around the world

What role did donkeys play in the Columbian Exchange?

Donkeys were brought from the Europeans to he New World during the Columbian Exchange. Donkeys were among the animals that helped with work as they were beasts of burden.

Where did the banana go during the columbian exchange?

Old World to New World

During the Columbian Exchange where did turkey come from?

From the New World to the Old World