there are alot of people in Africa there are alot of people in Africa
The Shona people are the native Bantu speaking people of South Africa.
David Livingstone was inspired by the people in Africa.
The triangle trade led to many people from Africa being taking as slaves reducing the working population in africa It brought guns and alcohol.
The tribes of West Africa made war on and captured their neighbors and sold them into slavery.
Well for a lot of colored communities that never ended due to b.e.e so mny people is now even more disadvantaged. Affirmative action is also making sure a lot of non blacks remain unemployed and there is general favoritism due to b.e.e and affirmative action. Previously disadvantaged ? Well colored communities are STILL disadvantaged.
Yes,people still do gumboot dancing as it is one of the oldest forms of dance in south africa
Phil Collins
No. After all, our President is 50% caucasian, but people still voted for him. Lots of people have some caucasian in their family tree, but still lead productive lives. Socially speaking, a person can still be accepted.
In tribal areas of Africa they do
The question is a little ambiguous. During the crusades many were disadvantaged due to the era. However if you are asking what side, christians or muslims, were disadvantaged I would say that christians were largely disadvantaged. Both sides committed atrocities but many people only demonize christians. That and only the first crusade was successful.
IT WASN'T. The first people evolved from Africa but the more primal forms can still be found there today.
A black diamon is a black person from a previously disadvantaged background who has become a member of the rich or middle class.
no but people are still using slaves. Many countries still do i.e some places in Africa...
They might when they still earn considerably less than the people who are better off, or if even the improved income still is insufficient for their needs; also, when the rise in wages is less than the rise in prices of goods. Housing conditions, even if 'improved', might still be primitive.
No. Salt is very common today.
The Native Americans were subject to being slaves or exterminated by the colonial powers. They were always (and still continue to be) disadvantaged against the people with the ruling power.