In Elizabethen England, the idea of 'rights' did not exist. Everyone was deemed , at law, to be free.
NB The first idea of 'rights' was the Magna Carta. This was a document coercivly signed by King John, stating that everyone, including the King, was subject to the law.
They all had the same rights. however women in Elisabethan times were denied their rights as amater of coarse.
It promoted equal rights for women and men. Equal voting rights, equality, etc.
Olympe de Gouges wrote a "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" in 1791, declaring that women were also citizens and should have rights equal to those of men. She was then_________________. Elected to office.
Man has only the rights he invents and recognizes to be rights. Remember when the US was founded it was said that all men were created equal but negros and women could not vote.
The primary risk to women has been childbirth.
They all had the same rights. however women in Elisabethan times were denied their rights as amater of coarse.
they were raped spontaneosly
For women to have equal jobs, laws, and capabilities as men had - for women to hace equal rights
it didnt give women equal rights
they had equal rights
The equal rights movement was a continuation of the women's suffrage movement of the previous century. Women were still not afforded all the rights that men had.
The women's rights movement
young women were inspired to work for equal rights for women
Yes, the constitution of Germany guarantees equal rights.
They didn't really have any position they were just thought as mother and household workers