The top social class in ancient Chinese societies was typically occupied by nobles and priests. They were the only ones allowed to join this class of people.
The social hierarchy of China was divided into 3 groups: The highest of these were the landowning aristocracy plus the educated bureaucrats or Mandarins. Next came the laboring masses: peasants and also urban aristians who manufactured goods. These were the groups of people who preformed hard manual labor. And last were the 'mean people' this cateogory was reserved for those who were though to have unmeaningful skills. Preforming artist were also put into this group as also were household slaves.
Both had their settlement based on river valleys and seashores.
The peasants were the lowest level of the social hierarchy. They were levied more taxes than they earned, and the farming sector was particularly ineffective owing to the primitive techniques France continued to embrace in farming, despite other countries, such as England having moved forward to more modern, and productive methods of farming.
A hierarchy is the social system in ancient Egypt
emperor and shoguns
Yes, the Inca Empire had a social hierarchy system that was based on a class structure with the emperor at the top, followed by nobles, priests, craftsmen, and farmers. Social status was largely determined by birth and was reinforced through economic, political, and religious structures.
yes there was
Kings, emperors, or pharaohs typically held the highest position in the social hierarchy in many ancient civilizations. They were considered the ultimate authority and often had divine status or were seen as intermediaries between the people and the gods.
In ancient Songhai, the social structure was hierarchical, with the emperor at the top followed by nobles, scholars, and artisans. Below them were farmers and laborers, and at the bottom were slaves. Social status was largely determined by birth, occupation, and wealth.
The caste system in India was influenced by factors such as religion, social hierarchy, and economic structure. It was also shaped by the need for social organization and division of labor in ancient Indian society.
during the Roman Empire, constantine, who was the emperor of the empire, had a major impact on Christianity because he was christian. religion is always associated with the social world. as for the hierarchy bishops, priests, ministers, apostles all were important and then came the military or the common peoples
The change in one's position in a social hierarchy refers to social mobility. This can occur either upward or downward, impacting an individual's social status and opportunities.