Taroko gorge Alishan Mountain Yushan Mountain Eastern Coastline
The Taiwan Strait (Pacific Ocean). Taiwan Strait
Taiwan broke from China after WWII.
Obviously war with Taiwan itself, but then also with countries which would seek to defend Taiwan. The US Government has indicated it would do this.
philipine sea ,southern sea
There is no interesting places to visit in California.
introductionhistorical and cultural significance
Red is the color of Taiwan. Taiwanese people originally wear red at weddings, ceremonial places and parties.
There are some interesting places in "Washington" state but sorry not Wahington sate.
Check there tour dates and places:)
Interesting place to visit in Bolivia
One of the interesting places you could check out is Monas.... I don't know where else yet...
the most interesting places in new york state are the: mosques mosques... and finally ... mosques
they have a very interesting culture