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Napoleon was a French general and politician, possibly the best in the history of the world, who commanded the french army and thus seized power in 1799 (consulate)

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Q: Introduction about Napoleon
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Louis Bonaparte was Napoleon's brother. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonoparte who became Emperor Napoleon III was Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew.

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What is Napoleon's influence today?

Probably Napoleon's greatest influence on day to day activity today is the introduction of the customary measurements(Mesures usuelles) which led to the adoption of the metric system.Second would be the Napoleonic code. It was the basis for many of Europe's legal systems.The U.S. sees an influence in his selling them the Louisiana Purchase.Indirectly, Beethoven's Heroic Symphony. It was inspired by him and dedicated to him.

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Depends on which one you are talking about, but Napoleon Bonaparte was the real Napoleon.

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Napoleon's Brother Kip is 32

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Emir Bukhari has written: 'Napoleon's Guard Cavalry' 'Napoleon's cavalry' 'Napoleon's dragoons and lancers' 'Napoleon's Hussars' 'Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers'

Did Napoleon create the Napoleon Law Code?

Yes, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte created the Napoleon law code, known to most as the Napoleon code.