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Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe was born on June 10, 1910 in Berlin Germany. As a young girl she did enjoy kissing Santa Claus and other girls also. When she was 26 years old the NEW YORK TIMES took a picture of her on stage at the Berlin Olympics! Anna Kreisling has never considered herself gay, however when she drinks to many beers she enjoys kissing anyone available including horses and beermaidens. Mel Brooks and Bill Clinton can both testify how one look from Anna Kreisling can do wonders for your health! Anna Faris on the set of Saturday Night Live tried to our drink Anna Kreisling and they wound up in a hot tub for two days making out!! During World War II Heinrich Himmler sent her to Tibet for one month to study the men in Tibet, her report to Heinrich was that they were all Aryans and they all had boners from gazing at her!!

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Q: Is Anna Kreisling The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe Gay?
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Why is Obama afraid of the White Wolf Anna Kreisling?

Anna Kreisling is married to one of the wealthiest men in the world. They are both friends of Bill Clinton and consider him to be the last great President of the United States of America. Obama is jealous of Bill Clinton and hates people who will not contribute to his Billion dollar Presidential Campaign. He also knows that Anna Kreisling is protected by the CIA and the OSS from World War II. He also knows that Anna Kreisling considers him a Communist and an Atheist, two very good reasons she will not contribute money to him. She considered Bill Clinton a great leader who always put America first. Anna Kreisling saved Bill Clinton's life in 1997 when he was kidnapped in Bahrain by some smelly Iranian Terrorists. Anna Kreisling also defended Ann Coulter in 2003 at Cornell University when the students called her a Nazi!! Anna Kreisling told these rude students that she was proud to be a Nazi, and Ann Coulter was a nice Liberal compared with her ideas on how to save the United States!!

Who was Flugakapitan Anna Kreisling?

Anna Kreisling was the second most famous Luftwaffe Lady pilot in World War II!! She was also Heinrich Himmler's favorite KNIGHT of the Round Table at Wewelsburg Castle. This of course was kept secret along with the way that Heinrich Himmler saved her life in the Black Forest in 1927. Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe is famous for three major reasons. Her legendary flying at Stalingrad, flying the Junkers Ju-52. She was the Co-Pilot on the Junkers JU-390 that took off from Norway, overflew Canada, Michigan and then flew right over the Empire State Building of New York City, on August 28th, 1943! While in Japan in 1945 she personally saved the Emperor of Japan! Stalin had ordered the Emperor to be killed and he was enraged when he found out that The White Wolf had saved him!

Who was Anna Kreisling?

It's not a real person. There might be people with that name but not a german pilot during WWII.

Did Captain America and Indiana Jones fight the Nazi White Wolf?

In 1937 President Roosevelt asked Indiana Jones to go to Tibet and find what the Nazi's were removing from a crashed Flying Saucer. Captain America was at the meeting and knew that this was a very dangerous mission! When they arrived in Tibet they found Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe already had collected a large number of objects that she was doing research on. Anna had crystal ice blue eyes, frost blonde hair, Leni Reifenstahl described Anna as gorgeous beyond belief! She was tall and a very gifted athelete. Heinrich Himmler had her personally trained with swords and knives!! As they gazed at her Captain America told Indiana Jones to get lost that he was going to get in the back seat of a Buick with her. Indiana Jones beat the crap out of Captain America and tied him up and then tried to steal some of Anna Kreisling's artifacts. She clobbered him with a left hook and then felt sorry for him. For the next two weeks she enjoyed his company while she worked near the crash site!

How was the STARGATE at AREA 51 Developed?

In April, 1945, a Junkers JU-390 flew from Norway with a device called DIE GLOCKE flew to Wright Patters AFB. The Die Glocke was a machine capable of opening up Dimensions, and for the first time allowing TIME TRAVEL to happen. Once this energy was harnessed, a Stargate was built on a much larger scale. The person who is in charge of operating the STARGATE at AREA 51, is ANNA KREISLING, THE WHITE WOLF OF THE LUFTWAFFE.

Why was Marilyn Monroe called the Blond Bombshell?

Marilyn Monroe was actually a brilliant smart energetic actress who realized early in her career that being Blonde gave her a power over men, they could not resist her. In Hollywood this meant doors were opened and opportunities were there! In 1955 she met Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe who had recently married one of the wealthiest men in the world. Anna and Marilyn were described as the two hottest Blondes on the planet!! It was through Anna that Marilyn met Albert Einstein the greatest Scientist in the world. From 1955-1959 Marilyn was intimate with Einstein and he was always impressed with her intellectual curiosity about the Universe. There is a famous picture of Albert Einstein on a couch, on one side is Anna Kreisling, on the other is Marilyn Monroe! They almost look like twin sisters!! Both Blonde Bombshells!!

Did Willie Nelson and Bill Clinton rescue Anna Kreisling?

In 2010 at the Munich Octoberfest Willie Nelson bought some grass from Anna Chapman a secret KGB Agent from Moscow. Back in his room he lit up and nearly died from Diareah and Vomiting! The grass had been sprayed with Persian Deoderant designed to kill cockroaches and rats! Very mad Willie called up Bill Clinton and they loaded up their guns so Willie could get his money back! Willie parked his FIAT in front of Anna Chapmans villa and they waited. In one hour Bill saw the gorgeous naked Russian spy walk across the room. Gasping for air he told Willie he was going to take a walk and buy a Hot Dog!! Within minutes Bill was down to his underwear and knocking on the door! Anna Chapman answered the door and smiled when she saw Bill in his Boxer shorts! "Come in, Vie Gates!" she said as she walked sexy across the room. Bill came in and found Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe tied up!! But Bill could only focus on Anna Chapman and he failed to see the big hairy Persian guy sneaking up behind him!! Willie who was watching all this in his Zeiss Binoculars quit smoking Pot and loaded up his Colt 1860 44 revolver! Willie burst into the room and shot three Persians in their Cahoneys, then had sex with Anna Chapman, then smoked three Doobies, then he released Bill Clinton and Anna Kreisling!! ''YOU ARE MY HERO!!" Anna Kreisling said to Bill Clinton. "Shucks, that's all right Baby, do you know where I can get some Peach pie??" ''YES, YES, YES I DO" said Anna. So Willie sang a song while the three of them rode to Dusseldorf to find that elusive Peach Pie!

Why was Joseph Stalin so concerned about Anna Kreisling?

Stalin the Leader of the Soviet Union knew that Heinrich Himmler The Lord of the SS was given the responcibility of guarding Adolf Hitler. Stalin also knew that Hitler wanted his dead because of his murderous Genocide of 55 Million Russians before World War II began. In 1943 Stalin learned that KG-200 had been given the green light to proceed with Operation Hammer. This was to be a blow that would kill not only Stalin but also destroy the Kremlin in Moscow. For this operation Anna Kreisling volunteered to fly the largest MISTEL BOMB of the war. The Germans took a captured British Lancaster Bomber and turned it into a massive bomb. On top of the Lancaster was a long range ME-110 FIGHTER, that Anna Kreisling would fly back home in. The plan was to launch the Mistel on October 10th 1943 and attack the Kremlin in Moscow once it was confirmed that Stalin was there. The British RAF flying Dehaviland Mosquitoes destroyed this Mistel aircraft on October 2nd 1943 and told Stalin all the details of the Luftwaffe Operation. From that day forth Stalin ordered the KGB to keep him posted as to where the WHITE WOLF was!

What type of plane is Lady GAGA learning to fly in?

On April 7th, 2012, Lady GAGA began taking flying lessons in Las Vegas. Her flight instructor is the famous Anna Kreisling, THE WHITE WOLF of the Luftwaffe, who flew both the Junkers JU-52 trimotor, and the Junkers JU-390 in World War II. Anna received the Iron Cross with Diamonds in 1944 presented by Hermann Goering. When asked how she managed to get Anna to teach her how to fly Lady GAGA said she wanted the best. That Angelina Jolie had recommended her. On June 7th Lady GAGA soloed in a Grumman Yankee aircraft after only 18 hours of instruction. Her solo flight lasted 35 minutes flying from Pismo to Cambria and then back to Pismo on the coast of California. Upon landing Anna presented her with a silver German eagle pin.

How do you say white wolf in German?

white wolf in German would be "weißer Wolf"

Who captured Anna Kreisling?

In 1945 Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe, was testing a Horten V-9 flying wing which showed promise of becoming an attack bomber for the Luftwaffe! She was operating from the Autobahn highway high up in the mountains to avoid American P-51 Mustang fighters. American tank crews driving Sherman tanks saw a bat-like plane come in and land so they started their engines and started down the highway. The German ground crew was startled and fled. Anna in the Horten had no idea that three Sherman tanks were closing in on her. Her Jumo Turbo-jet engines were shutting down when she saw a Sherman tank off to her left. Then suddenly a Sherman Tank was twenty yards in front of her. She calmly opened her canopy and slowly stood up when three American soldiers walked up to the Jet. The Sherman tank drivers thought they were in heaven when she took off her flight helmet and they could see her ice blue eyes, red lips, frost blonde hair, she was the most gorgeous lady they could imagine! Within Five minutes they decided to keep her and not report anything to the brass and give her the job of pouring coffee for Patton's Army! For six months Anna was looked upon as a USO Hollywood Girl who was part of BOB HOPE'S SHOW!! Anna later said that the men in Patton's army were the greatest guys in the world. She always felt safe and lucky to by with these real gentlemen, real soldiers, who helped her feed the children and people in Germany.

Did Captain America save Anna Kreisling The White Wolf?

Yes, in 1997 Bill Clinton was in Bahrain with 37 U.S. Congressmen having a big wild party. Bill slipped away and from his balcony he saw a beautiful nude Persian girl splashing in a Hot Tub on the balcony next door. He quickly put on his swimming trunks to go and rescue the girl, when suddenly he was grabbed by some big ugly smelly Persian Guys. He was taken to Teheran where he was put in a swanky joint and was asked many secrets about Arkansas. The Secret Service contacted Anna Kreisling, The White Wolf of the Luftwaffe and was told that Bill was being held in the Persian Pussycat Psychedelic Hotel in downtown Teheran Iran!! Anna immediately flew her Douglas DC-3 and landed in a nearby Soccer field and stormed the Hotel!! She slaughtered 88 Persian guards with her katana Samurai Sword. However Achdimininutjob, the Prime Minister hit her in the head with a huge Coors Beer Bottle!! When she came to she could see they were painting Bill Clinton's toenails pink and they had a rope tied to his Bratwurst and they were stretching it!! Achdimininutjob had his filthy hands on her gorgeous 38D breasts and his eyes were bugged out because he had never seen a pair like this!! Captain America came crashing through a window and shot Achdimininutjob in the ass, and the three of them ran for Anna's DC-3. They took off with half the city of Teheran shooting at them. On the way home Bill Clinton offered Anna his cotton shirt so she could cover up her amazing breasts and Captain America began choking him!!