Yes. Milton Canady is AN American Actor, Born In North Carolina, and was a Classmate of Michael Jordan. He also had a recurring role on the TV show Home Improvement with TIM ALLEN.
in pennsylvania
John Milton was not known to have a actual disability. Though he wrote a poem about being blind it was based on religion not him actually being blind.
9 December 1608 - 8 November 1674
John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.
Sequan Canady is 6' 6".
Herman George Canady was born in 1901.
Alexa Canady is still alive at the age 60.
Her name is Alexa Canady.
deasa canady Josh Jackson and Deasa Canady
Canady is pronounced \kuh-NAY-dee.
Charles T. Canady was born on 1954-06-22.
Louise Canady's birth name is Louise J. Jones.
The age of Alexa Canady depends on which Alexa you are talking about. Dr. Alexa I Canady is 62 years old as of August 2013. She was born on November 7, 1950.
Louise Canady was born on April 26, 1929, in North Carolina, USA.
Louise Canady died on June 24, 2012, in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA.
Alexa CAnady, MD is still in practice at Sacred Heart Pensacola in Pensacola, FL.