Sylvia Earle is still alive as of October 2021.
Yes, Sylvia Alice Earle, also known as Dr. Sylvia Earle, is still alive. She is an American marine biologist, oceanographer, and explorer who has made significant contributions to marine conservation and research.
Sylvia Earle is still alive as of 2021. She won the Ted Prize in 2009 for her work in marine conservation and exploration.
As of September 2021, Sylvia Earle is still alive. She was born on August 30, 1935.
Yes, Sylvia Earle is still very much alive and traveling the world to send a mission of hope for the ocean, Earth's blue heart. She is 74 and has created a foundation called Deep Search Mission Blue. More info can be found here:
Her full name is Sylvia Alice Earle. So Alice is her middle name.
Some prominent explorers who are still alive today include Sylvia Earle, Jane Goodall, and Bertrand Piccard. Each has made significant contributions to the field of exploration and continues to inspire others with their work.
Sylvia Earle lives in Florida, USA. She has a home in the Florida Keys where she is involved in ocean conservation efforts.
Sylvia Earle didn't really invent anything she just explored under the sea.
Sylvia Earle has 3 children